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Measurement In Math

Posted by on January 17, 2016

We have started a new unit in math since coming back from the winter break–Measurement.

So far we have been working on comparing objects to determine:

  • longer
  • shorter
  • or about the same as

Our lessons include:

  • Wiggly Worms–we each created a worm, and then placed them in order from shortest to longest by comparing our worms with those made by our classmates


  • How tall are you?–we worked together in groups of 10 to measure each other with string and then with partners to place our strings along a baseline to compare how tall we are with our classmates.


  • Chain Challenge–each Kindergarten student was given one piece of construction paper and asked to construct the longest paper chain they could make…Congratulations to our winner!!!


Hopefully you have seen some of the work we have done…we have constructed a bulletin board display in the hallway to showcase some of our work–feel free to come check it out!


Coming up this week, we will use a variety of ‘objects’  (paper clips, popsicle sticks, straws, and unifix cubes) to measure items in our classroom and pencil boxes…watch for our measurement books!

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