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Art Room

Posted by on October 15, 2015

Last week was our first visit to the art room!  We watched an i-movie of Autumn Leaves and trees set to the song “Autumn Leaves” by Ed Sheeran.  After that inspiration, we picked up the charcoal and started to sketch.

What were our goals?

  • To have a ‘horizon’ line for our tree to sit on
  • To fill the page with our tree
  • To have leaves falling around the tree
  • To have leaves on the ground

What were the learning outcomes?

Visual Arts:

  • create images in response to something they observed and experienced
  • create images featuring line (e.g., straight, wavy, curvy, thick, thin)
  • demonstrate an awareness of safety considerations for the use of materials, technologies, and processes (e.g., appropriate use of scissors and other sharp tools, obeying hazard symbols)


  • illustrate and record changes that occur throughout the seasons (e.g., flowers blooming, snow melting, leaves falling, lakes freezing)

Come and see our artistic creations inside the school on our classroom bulletin boards…here’s a few to pique your interest:

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