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Drama Fun

Posted by on October 7, 2015

In our last few drama periods we have been working on dramatizing the story “We’re Going On A Bear Hunt” by Michael Rosen.


What are the learning outcomes we are working on???

The drama curriculum for Kindergarten and Grade One includes:

  • find and stay in their own personal space (e.g., the “space bubble” that a person occupies) throughout drama explorations (K)
  • use drama exploration to show sequence (e.g., beginning, middle, and end of stories) (K)
  • use their bodies to explore movement in their own space (e.g., painting a large picture, floating on clouds, sitting on a boat) (K)
  • retelling or altering stories (e.g., creating a different ending for a story, exploring what might have occurred in the lives of characters prior to the beginning of the story) (1)
  • working in role to imagine and play characters from stories or real life events (1)
  • using movement elements and their bodies to explore a variety of imagined environments (e.g., floating in outer space, swimming under water, crawling through a cave, jumping in puddles, trying to move in a crowd of people without touching anyone (1)
  • find and using their own personal space throughout the drama activity (1)

You can also check out the author ‘reading/performing’ his story on youtube: Michael Rosen

We are all excited to try “We’re Going On A Ghost Hunt” a little closer to Halloween!!


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