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Pattern Worms

Posted by on October 19, 2016

We have finished our unit on Patterns!dsc03126

So…we celebrated by making patterned worms!  We used pipe cleaners and pony beads…with awesome googly eyes!  As you can see, we made a lot of great different  patterns.

‘AB’ was very popular with a lot of the Kindergarten students–but some tried even more difficult patterns like: ‘AABB’ and ‘ABCC’.

The Grade Ones tried some difficult patterns as well, like: ‘ABC’, ‘ABB’, ‘AABC’ and ‘ABCD’ just to name a few.  Can you find your worm in the photo?


Our next math unit is on numbers…and so begins the practice of correctly forming our numerals!  Watch for some fun games you can play at home…

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