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Science Is Fun!

Posted by on May 2, 2016

Today we did an experiment to discover how the ‘mass‘ of different objects affect the force needed to move each object.


  • straw
  • cotton ball
  • rock
  • 1 item from our pencil box


  1. Using the straw, see if you can make your objects move with just your breath.
  2. Record the observations you made, using pictures and words.
  3. Explain why you think some objects were easier to move than others.

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What did we discover?

  • the cotton ball moved very quickly because it was so light
  • the rock would ‘wiggle’ but not move because it was so heavy
  • pencils and crayons would move quickly because they were round and could roll
  • erasers would not move because of ‘friction

Science is Fun!!


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