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The Power Of Air…and More!

Posted by on April 30, 2016

We continue to work on our science unit on Force and Motion.  We have done a number of different experiments…learning about gravity, push and pull on the playground, the power of air, and friction.

I think the most popular one has been the Balloon Rockets!!  We worked in teams of three to create our own Balloon Rocket–and then test it out.


  • balloon
  • straw
  • masking tape
  • long string

rocket1            Instructions:

  1. One partner holds one end of the string.
  2. Put the other end of the string through the straw.rocket 2
  3. Pull the string tight and have the other partner hold the other end.
  4. Blow up the balloon (but don’t tie it.) Pinch the end of the balloon and tape the balloon to the straw. You’re ready for launch.
  5. Let go and watch the rocket fly!rocket3





recordingOf course we then had to record our observations…recording2

This week we learned about friction–testing how objects would move down a plastic tray vs. a board covered with sand paper.  We had a lot of interesting results–which lead to a lot of interesting discoveries!  We LOVE science!

Our next experiments include the effects of mass on force, and magnets.  Watch your emails, because our final experiment will require some things you might have around your house…



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