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Creating A ‘Stuffie’

Posted by on April 30, 2016

After working with our Artist in Residence-Donna, I was inspired to try some sewing with the class…

Because we have been consumed with The Little Mermaid…(dance, sing, perform!!!) I thought we should use the ocean as our inspiration for an animal we would like to make into a ‘stuffie’.

We read a book called The Secret Seahorse by Stella Blackstone.  The art was wonderful for getting our creative juices flowing!!!  Thank you Clare Beaton!



We then began to practice making just the outline of an animal (this is much harder to do than you think–as we all like to add details to our pictures!).  We used plastic animals to help us.                                           stuffy1 stuffy2

These outlines became the ‘pattern’ for our stuffie.

We used our dress rehearsal day to work on adding ‘decoration’ to our stuffies.  Thanks to Luisa and Tammy for coming to help out!  We did a great job at stitching on buttons, beads, sequins, and ribbons!  We learned so much from quilting with our big buddies (Thanks Division 1) and couldn’t wait to try it on our own…

Once we finished the decorating, we put our 2 pattern pieces together and began stitching our stuffies together.  We are now ready for the last step–STUFFING!!!

We are all eager to seeing the finished product–and I know you will too!!!  Watch for them at the Student Led Conferences— coming up May 26th!


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