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Posted by on February 1, 2016

Today we explored the properties of dirt!  We each got a small sample of dirt from our school garden to examine.  We were trying to determine what was in dirt.


We dumped our dirt onto a paper towel and began to sort through it with a popsicle stick–or our fingers!

dirt         dirt2

We observed lots of different materials in our dirt samples–we looked very carefully with magnifying glasses.

After sorting the dirt, we then had to list the items we found and provide illustrations–observe and record!

DSC02709 DSC02710

What did we discover?

  • bugs
  • seeds
  • rocks
  • wood chips
  • leaves & grass
  • roots & plants
  • bark

Finally, we put all the dirt into a glass, added water and stirred.  Tomorrow we are going to look and see what happened with the dirt…



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