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Math You Can EAT!

Posted by on February 13, 2015

Today is one of our favourite days in math–Math you can EAT!!!

This time it was M-M-M-Marshmallows!

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We each start with a booklet and a zippy bag of mini marshmallows, and make an estimate of how many we think are in the bag.  We record that estimate, then move on to sorting the marshmallows by colour.  After sorting we graph our information, making sure we use one to one correspondence as we count.  We then use the graph to transfer the information into numerals.  Finding out how many of each colour we have, and then how many we have altogether.  Then we make a picture graph of our coloured marshmallows.  And finally, we chose our favourite colour and then EAT!!!

We are learning so much from this one activity:


  • compare quantities, 1 to 10, using one-to-one correspondence
  • represent and describe numbers 2 to 10, concretely and pictorially
  • relate a numeral, 1 to 10, to its respective quantity
  • sort 3-D objects using a single attribute

Grade One:

  • demonstrate an understanding of counting by indicating that the last number said identifies “how many”
  • represent and describe numbers to 20 concretely, pictorially, and symbolically
  • estimate quantities to 20 by using referents
  • sort 3-D objects and 2-D shapes using one attribute

Who wouldn’t love math????

i love math face

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