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Posted by on January 13, 2015

We have begun the work of preparing items for our Annual Art Show!  (Taking place this spring…) We are working on creating landscapes this year.

 “Landscapes are works of art that feature scenes of nature: mountains, lakes, gardens, rivers, etc.”

We have been looking at a variety of pieces of landscape art from the Burnaby Art Gallery (B.A.G. in a Box-My Place).  

We have discussed the characteristics of a ‘landscape‘–places but no ‘recognizable’ people.  We then discussed how the artists used a ‘foreground‘, a ‘background‘, and a ‘focal point‘ or ‘emphasis‘ to draw the viewer’s eye.  

We practiced finding the ‘emphasis‘ on a number of pieces of art.  Next, we used a framer’s tool (a teeny tiny empty picture frame) to find a picture within another picture (we used calendar photos).  

See the small white framing tools on the table...

See the small white framing tools on the table…

We learned that by bringing the tool closer to our eyes it makes a larger view, while moving away from us gives a more close up view of our subject.

Finally after all that practice, we got to use the messy charcoal!  charcoal

It is thin and delicate and so easy to sketch with.  We made some fabulous landscapes today…and I’m thinking that we might even turn some of them into cards to sell at the Art Show!  Simple but beautiful!

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Learning Outcomes:

  • create images featuring line (e.g., straight, wavy, curvy, thick, thin) 
  • experiment with a variety of materials, technologies, and processes to make images
  • create 2-D and 3-D images
    • for a given purpose
    • in response to objects and other images they have experienced
  • view and discuss a variety of displays of their own and others’ artworks


*Thanks to the P.A.C. for generously paying for the rental of the B.A.G. in a Box.

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