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Measurement Fun!

Posted by on January 9, 2015

Our Measurement Unit is in full swing–we have been comparing all over the place!  

  • Earlier this week we used magazines to find things that were “little” and “big” (check out the bulletin board in the hallway to see our results).  
  • We have also used a brand new pencil as a referent and found classroom items that were “longer”, “shorter”, and “about the same” size (as the new pencil). 

Today we compared distances traveled by hot wheels cars in our classroom.


  • 3 different coloured hot wheels cars
  • 3 crayons (that match the colours of the cars)
  • pencil
  • a ramp
  • a recording sheet


  1. record names on sheet with pencil
  2. colour cars A, B, & C 
  3. take cars to ramp and let each one slide down the ramp
  4. compare the distances traveled by each car
  5. record your observations on the sheet

We LIVE our classroom rules each day-R.O.C.K.S.!

[metaslider id=1291]

Learning Outcomes:

Demonstrate an understanding of measurement as a process of comparing by:

  • ordering objects (GR 1)
  • comparing the length (height) of two given objects and explain the comparison using the words shorter, longer (taller), or almost the same (K)
  • making statements of comparison (GR 1)
  • determine which of two or more given objects is longest/shortest by matching and explain the reasoning (GR 1)

 Here are our recording sheets–thanks to all the Grade One girls for being group leaders for this activity!

car recording sheets

For our final math activity today we each made a “wiggly worm” and then we ordered them from shortest to longest on a poster (check it out below and also in our hallway in person!)  So much fun!!!




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