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The Circle of Life

Posted by on January 7, 2015

Today in drama we ‘enacted’ the life cycle of a plant!

We began with a story “I’m a Seed” by Jean Marzollo.



After reading the story of two seeds (marigold and pumpkin) and their “lives”, we reviewed the steps in their lives and drew a diagram on the board that included:

plant life cycle

Then the acting began.  We had to use only our bodies to be all the parts of the plant as it grew and changed throughout it’s life.  It was a great experience for us all.

We are working on:


  • demonstrating a willingness to explore ideas through drama games and activities
  • using drama exploration to show sequence
  • working in role to imagine and play characters from stories or
    real life events
  • using movement elements and their bodies to explore
    representation of action (e.g., brushing your teeth, a dog
    chasing a ball, blowing out candles, growing from a seed to a
  • finding and using their own personal space throughout the
    drama activity

Watch for more information on our new science & math units on plants & measurement…and how we integrate them…

I will try our ideas

I try…

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