October 2021 – Division 2

Month: October 2021


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We have started our first speech of the year. Students are working on creating a speech about THEM! We will begin presenting the week of November 1st. There are two suggested ways to go about developing the speech:

  1. Five Things About Me: choose 5 items that represent you as a person. Use these items to guide you through your speech be describing why you choose them and how they represent you. You can bring the items in, take pics and create a poster, do a slideshow, etc.
  2. Key Life Moments: students can choose 2 (or more) life moments that show who they are as a person and how they have developed into the person they are today. Students would go into more depth on the defining moment and reflect how it has shaped their personality.
  • Speeches must be 2-5 mins in length
  • Include some type of visual
  • Memorize parts of the speech

Rubric and further details to follow.

Ways to support at home: 

  • encourage your child to practice
  • ask them to share it with you and provide positive feedback only
  • READ ALOUD READ ALOUD READ ALOUD: kids will practice and just read in their head but it is very different when you have to read aloud. So continue to reinforce that they should be reading out loud to the wall or to themselves in the mirror.