Announcement from Ms. Tong, our ELL teacher.

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s) of students who receive ELL services,

I have launched languaged-based activities to supplement your child’s learning. If you know your child belongs to my ELL reading group, please refer to the tab “Ms. Tong’s Reading Group” for supplemental activities.

You will have received an e-mail notification about this. If unsure, please feel free to e-mail me at if you have any questions. Please note that if your child is ELL level 3/4, this message does not pertain to you.

Thank you, parents, for your ongoing patience and hard work!

Tuesday, April 21

Here is the plan for Tuesday, April 21

  1. Morning yoga-
  2. Visit Ms. Nastalski music blog to see your weekly music activities.

  1. Remember to add to your happiness jar 😊
  2. Login in to Raz- Kids and read for 15 minutes.
  3. Listen to the read aloud about spring-

Pick one of the following topics for your journal writing

  • I know it’s spring when…
  • Do you feel happier during the springtime because of the sun?
  • What are you most excited to see bloom in the spring?
  • What if the weather was like spring all year long?

Kindergartens please draw your picture and try labeling some parts of your drawing by writing the sounds you hear. Parents please write any ideas shared by your child. 😊

Grade ones draw and then write about your topic. Before you begin writing make sure you discuss your ideas with someone 😊

Please email me the journal assignments.  

  1. Kindergartens- Please watch the following video to review the letter Mm

Practice printing letter Mm and look for things at home that begin with Mm.

Grade 1

Please review the short vowel sounds by watching the video.

Practice your spelling words and complete the sort. Then play tic-tac toe with someone at home. Instead of using the letters x and o, use your spelling words!

Monday, April 20

Good Morning Division 5

I hope you all had a great weekend. I spent some time outside going for walks and reading under the sun. We had a barbeque on our deck. Amaya played with bubbles and side walk chalk. I also enjoyed reading your Elephant and Piggie stories. 😊

Here is the plan for Monday, April 19

  1. Morning yoga-
  2. Start a happiness Jar: decorate a container. Throughout the week, draw/write about something that made you happy on a small piece of paper and put it in the jar. Ask your family members to add some too!  Read them together when the jar is full.
  3. Login in to Raz Kids and read for 15 minutes.
  4. Kindergartens
    Count collections of items at home (buttons, beans, rocks, toothpicks, etc).  How did you count?  Can you count them a different way? Collect 10 of the same objects and break them apart into 2 groups in 5 different ways.  (Bonus: parent can model writing an equation, eg 4+6=10, 2+8 etc)

     Grade Ones Fill two bags with collections of small objects. Then grab a handful from the two different bags, then count and add up the results. Be sure to write it all down to get practice at setting up addition equations.

Here is an example

  1. Kindergartens- Please watch the following video to review the letter Bb

Practice printing letter Bb and look for things at home that begin with bb.

Grade 1

Please review the short vowel sounds by watching the video.

Then work on your spelling sort, which has been emailed to your parents. If you do not have access to printer, please copy the sort on to paper and cut out each word. After reviewing the vowel sounds cut and sort.

Friday, April 17

1.     Movement Break- Freeze Dance


2.    I miss reading Elephant and Piggie books to you all. I know these books are one of our class favorites. Click on the link and listen to the story Can I play too.

After you listen to the story, mute it and try reading along. You can choose to be Elephant or Piggie and ask your parent to be the other when reading.

In the story, the pair meet a new friend a snake. Gerald and Piggie are happy to include their new friend in their game of catch, but there’s one problem snakes don’t have arms! If the author Mo Willems had to create a brand-new character to be friends with Elephant and Piggie, who would it be? Would the new friends be an animal or human? What adventures do you think the three friends would go on together? What kinds of trouble might they get into?


Once you have decided on the new character, draw your picture of the three new friends on an adventure. Think about where is the adventure? What will happen? Who will they meet? Will there be a problem? How will they solve the problem?


Kindergarten parents please write the story down for your child. Grade one parents please support your child in writing a short story. Remind your child to check for periods, capitals, spacing between the words and to sound out any tricky words. Please take picture of your story and drawings and email them. I am very excited to see who the new character will be!


3.    Sign in to your Raz Kids account and read for 15 minutes

Thursday, April 16

1.     Start the morning with some kids yoga

2.    Kindergartens– Please watch the following video to review the letter Tt–gElU

Practice printing letter Tt and look for things at home that
begin with letter Tt.

Grade ones- Write as many words as you can for the following word families ending in ot, op and og

For example

Hot       Stop      Frog

Then pick 3 words and write 3 sentences.

3.    Journal- Tell me about one of your favorite things you like to do with your family.

Kindergartens– Please draw a picture and you can label your drawing by putting the sounds you hear. Ask your parent to help write your sentence.

Grade Ones please write 3 or more sentences. Remember to leave finger space, check for periods and capitals. When you don’t know how to spell a word use invented spelling and write the sounds you know.

Please email me your journal responses. 😊

Here is my example.

There are many things I like to do with my family. Right now, I love going for walks with Amaya. We like to go for a walk after we finish eating lunch. We went on a walk yesterday and saw some beautiful flowers. Here are some pictures we took from our walk.

4.    Sign in to your Raz Kids account and read for 15 minutes.

5.    Play a game of tag with your family. Teach them banana tag. Can you create your own tag game?

Wednesday, April 15

1.     Movement Break and a fun way to review the alphabet sounds


2.    Kindergartens– Please watch the following video to review the letter Ss

Practice printing letter Ss and look for things at home that
begin with letter Ss.

Grade ones- Write as many words you can for the following word families ending in at, ad and an.

For example

Cat                     Sad                   Can
Bat                     Mad                   Ran


3.    Make a poster to share a positive message to our community. You can thank the essential service workers (grocery store workers, healthcare professionals, mail carriers, etc.) to lift our spirits. You can also draw pictures to decorate the sign and include a message. You can choose to place your sign on your window. Please email me your  poster. Here is an example of one Amaya completed.

4.    If possible, go for a walk and look for signs of spring.

5.    Find 10 objects in your house and organize them from largest to smallest. Were there any that were hard to place? Why? (remember to put things away all by yourself)

6.    Read for 15 minutes.

Tuesday, April 14th

Hi Div. 5!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend with your family. Do you notice anything different about spring? I went for a walk with Amaya and we were happy to see some cherry blossom trees. We spent some time outdoors going for walks and enjoying the sunshine in our backyard. Have you noticed any other signs of spring?

Activities for today:

  1. Try some yoga. Cosmic Kids Yoga is a fun way to learn new yoga moves and get some exercise.
  2. Click on the following link and listen to the read aloud Let’s Look at Spring. What are some signs of spring? Kindergartens please draw a spring picture. Grade ones please draw a picture of spring and include a few sentences. Please take a picture and email to
  3. Make a number line 1-10 using objects from home. Grade ones please make a number line 1-20. Please remember to put things away all by yourself. Here is the number line Amaya and I worked on.
  4.  Read for 15 minutes.


Welcome to Ms. Cheema’s Blog!

I want to start by saying how much I miss you all. I was happy to connect with all the families last week and to hear everyone is doing well.  This is a new learning experience for all of us. I will use this blog to share activities, lessons, resources and information.

Please feel free to email me about how things are going at home of if you have any questions. I am here to support you and your families.

Ms. Cheema