What a week it has been! Div. 4 & 5 worked to create diagrams of their pollinator houses, thinking about the dimensions, placements, entrances, and inhabitants.

Click here to see more pollinator houses in progress!

As some of our students worked on FSAs, others from Ms. Yee’s and Ms. Su’s classes joined us in creating Green Team projects!

Most of us had our first book club meetings this week too! We shared our ideas and reflected on the process. Some of us even finished our novels and started working on creating “lit bits” to celebrate and share our thinking.

We were excited to do the filming of our Remembrance Day performance, which will play at the virtual assembly next week. A reminder that next Thursday is the Remembrance Day holiday.

Not all of us had a chance to finish our blogfolio posts today, so please feel welcome to finish them at home!

We officially installed our mud kitchen this week too! Please feel welcome to visit the kitchen during after school times, but please be kind and gentle!

Div. 5 had a great week and we look forward to another week of learning and exploring!

PS. Some families were wondering about how to use the School Cash page. Please find instructions here: SchoolCash-Welcome