Jelly Beans, Sours, JelliesJu Jubes… Count the Candies!!
We spent the morning using referents and good ‘ol fashioned thoughtful guesses to ESTIMATE how many candies were in the jars.
After all the Guessing Jar estimates had been counted, the winners were announced today. Drumroll please………
Christy, Whit, Jonathan and Emily!
Well done to all Division 8 students for all your excellent estimates! Can’t wait to enjoy the candies at another Alphabet Countdown day very soon…

Looking forward to celebrating withreezies tomorrow!


~ We started our Alphabet fun hanging with our stuffed ANIMALS today.

~ bubbles, Bubbles, & MORE BUBBLES! Using hand made pipe cleaners and with the wind in our favour, we created hundreds of beautiful bubbles!!
Click    1280337hlt3uzzwj4to see our fun!

Looking forward to celebrating with halk on Tuesday!


new-year-countdown-smiley-emoticonMy favourite (soon to be yours too!) time of the school year has arrived!


For the rest of the school year we’ll be celebrating each day with a letter, or two. We’ll be participating in activities and/or dressing in something special to make our last month together memorable and lots of fun!

I’ll be giving a clue here each afternoon about what the next day’s theme will be. Stay tuned to see what we begin with next Monday! … is for…


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week: 
The answer is 220 students competing in Speed Demons. smileys-fitness-796311
There were 200 students competing. 20 more came. How many now? ~ Whit
210 students competing in Speed Demons. 5 girls came and 5 boys came. How many in all? ~ Merry
120 students competing in Speed Demons. 200 more came. 100 of them got hurt. How many now? ~ Bernice 
200 students competing in Speed Demons. 20 more students show up in surprise! How many students competing in Speed Demons? ~ Emily 
221 students competing in Speed Demons.  1 got hurt. How many now? ~ Roy 
140 students competing in Speed Demons. 80 came. How many now? ~ Christy & Heart 
230 students competing in Speed Demons. 10 more were done. How many now? ~ Sam

IMG_7075Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2/3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Tuesday!

Sports Day Spirit Days!

Sports Day is next Thursday, June 6th! Each day next week students will have an opportunity to wear each of the house colours to earn points for their own House Team. I can’t wait to see the sea of colours and feel the excitement of Sports Day grow during the week!
Go Green Wolverines Go!!

Friday ~ GREEN DAY!Monday ~ GOLD DAY!Tuesday ~ BLUE DAY!
Wednesday ~ RED DAY!

Speed Demons 2024

Nelson students in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 participated in our annual Speed Demons competition this afternoon. Division 9 had lots of fun racing against other grade 3s and all did an awesome job! Grade 2s even got a chance to race at the end! Click on the runner below to see everyone fly!sports_run


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 30 flowers blooming in the garden. amazing-butterfly-smiley-emoticon-animation
There were 5 flowers blooming. 25 more started blooming. How many now? ~ Whit
40 flowers blooming in the ground. 10 flowers died. How many now? ~ Roy & Duncan 
30 flowers blooming in the garden. 20 get picked for a flower shop. How many now? ~ Christy
42 flowers blooming in the garden. 12 flowers died. How many now? ~ Bernice
6 flowers blooming, 5 groups bloomed. How many now? … and then 100 years all flowers were dead~ M & M
There were 40 flowers blooming in the garden. 10 died. How many flowers left? … but they came back to life like Frankenstein ~ Emily & Chloee
There were 5 flowers blooming in the garden. 25 came out of the soil. How many now? ~ Sam
20 flowers blooming. 1 pot of flowers got planted. How many now? ~ Jonathan
There were 40 flowers blooming in the garden. A mean boy pulled 10. How many are left? ~ Jasper

IMG_6981Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2/3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Tuesday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 11 hockey players on the ice. hockey%20player
9 hockey players on the ice, but 2 more joined in. How many in all? ~ Heart
9 hockey players on the ice. 2 more hockey players joined. How many now? ~ Bernice
12 hockey players. 1 got injured. How many now? ~ Roy
12 hockey players on the ice. 1 got hurt. How many left now? ~ Christy & Diego
There were 100 hockey players but 89 quit. How many now? ~ Chloee
There were 5 hockey players. 6 more joined the team. How many now? ~ Chloee
15 hockey players on the ice. 4 people left. How many now? ~ Duncan
8 hockey players on the ice. 3 more came. How many in all? ~ Merry
10 hockey players on the ice. 1 player came. How many in all? ~ Jonathan & Logan
20 hockey players on the ice. 9 went home. How many now? ~ Sam
There were 50 hockey players on the ice. 39 got hurt. How many hockey players left on the ice? ~ Emily

IMG_6884Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2/3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Tuesday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 15 classrooms cleaning up the community for Earth Day. SmileyRecycle
13 classrooms cleaning up for Earth Day, but 2 more came. How many altogether? ~ Heart
14 classrooms cleaning up for Earth Day. 1 student came to school. How many now ? ~ Miya & Dad
10 classrooms cleaning up for Earth Day. 5 more classrooms help. How many classrooms are helping? ~ ?
There were 20 classrooms cleaning up but it got really sunny so 5 left. How many in all? ~ Chloee
9 classes cleaning up for Earth Day. 6 more classrooms clean up. How many now? ~ Bernice
16 classrooms cleaning up for Earth Day. 1 classroom stopped. How many now? ~ Roy
13 classrooms cleaning up for Earth Day. 2 classrooms start cleaning. How many in all? ~ Merry
11 classrooms cleaning up for Earth Day, but 4 cleaning. How many in all? ~ Duncan
There were 20 classes cleaning up. 5 stopped. How many now? Then they went back. ~ Whit
15 classrooms cleaning up for Earth Day. 15 more working. How many in all? ~ Diego
There were 20 classrooms cleaning up for Earth Day. 5 were done. How many now? ~ ?
There were 5 classrooms cleaning up for Earth Day. 10 classrooms did the same. How many now? ~ Sam
10 classrooms cleaning up for Earth Day. 5 more cam. How many now? ~ Sam & Mom
20 classrooms cleaning up for Earth Day. 5 just went back to school. How many are left? ~ Jasper
18 classrooms cleaning up for Earth Day. 2 got tired and took a break. How many left? After they kept cleaning again. ~ Christy
10 classes cleaning up for Earth Day. 5 more came. How many in all? ~ Chloee

IMG_6751Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2/3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Tuesday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 21 Earth Day projects displayed on the wall. happyearthday
There were 20 Earth Day projects displayed on the wall. 1 more got made. How many in all? ~ Chloee
23 Earth Day projects displayed on the wall. 2 got lost. How many left? ~ Christy
There were 30 projects. 9 got destroyed.  How many left over? Then they were remade. ~ Whit
1 Earth Day project displayed on the wall. 20 more were displayed on the wall. How many now? ~ Roy & Duncan
29 Earth Day projects displayed on the wall. 8 got off. How many now? ~ Merry
20 Earth Day projects displayed on the wall. 1 more was displayed the next day. How many projects in all? ~ Bernice
There were 19 Earth Day projects displayed on the wall. 2 more were done. How many now? ~ Samuel
There were 20 Earth Day projects. 1 more was displayed. How many are there? ~ Jasper
20 Earth Day projects displayed on the wall, but 1 more kid did it. How many now? ~ Heart
25 Earth Day projects displayed on the wall. 4 people took theres home. How many leftover? ~ Finn
22 Earth Day projects. 1 student took 1 home. How many left? ~ Adam
22 Earth Day projects displayed on the wall. 1 gets trashed. How many left? ~ Emily
24 Earth Day projects displayed on the wall. 3 of them have been sent. How many now? ~ Merry
There were 20 Earth Day projects displayed on the wall. 1 more was displayed on the rabbit. How many in all? ~ Logan

IMG_6700Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2/3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Tuesday!