Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 12 sea turtles left swimming in the ocean. swimming-turtle-smiley-emoticon
There were 30 sea turtles in the ocean. 18 got lost. How many left over? ~ Tessa
102 turtles. 100 got sent to the aquarium. 2 people put 5 back. How many left over? ~ Jason
There were 13 turtles. 1 got lost. How many are there left? ~ Coleen
There are 18 sea turtles. 6 swam away. How many left? ~ Sophia
There were 24 turtles in the ocean. 12 left. How many turtles are left in the ocean? ~ Lauren
There were 13 sea turtles. A First Nations killed 1. How many are there left? ~ Connor
There were 14 turtles swimming in the ocean. 2 got lost. How many left? ~ Giunelly
There were 20 sea turtles. A shark ate 8. How many left? ~ Rosetta
There were 22 sea turtles. 10 left. How many left over? ~ Preston
There were 13 sea turtles swimming in the sea. 1 got bored and swam away. How many left? ~ Misa

Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Tuesday!

In Flander’s Fields

A number of brave souls from Division 8 volunteered to practice on their own time in order to present this famous Remembrance Day poem written during the First World War by Canadian physician Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae.
Click on the poem to see their wonderful reading of this special poem.
Well done everyone! I’m so proud of our contribution to this Nelson tradition.

Rosetta is a STAR!

Click on the photo to learn more about our friend, Rosetta!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 35 poppies. poppy-emoticon
28 poppies. They made 7 more. How many in all? ~ Tessa
200 poppies. 3 people took 50. I planted 10 more and I took 25. How many left? ~ Jason
40 poppies. Someone took 5. How many left? ~ Brendan
There were 36 poppies. 1 got stepped on. How many poppies are there left? ~ Lauren
There were 37 poppies. I took 2. How many left over? ~ Giunelly
There were 40 poppies. 5 got lost. How many left over? ~ Rosetta

IMG_1756Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Tuesday!

Happy Halloween!

HappyHalloweenPictureLoveItI hope everyone had a tons of fun yesterday out and about with your family and friends!! After lots of fun during the day at school, Kennedy & I went to the house of Kennedy’s friends Anderson and Georgia! We ate yummy pizza and then went Trick or Treating around the spooky neighbourhood houses. When we got home we were treated to some spectacular fireworks we could see in Richmond and Vancouver from our apartment windows.
What costumes did you wear out Trick or Treating!? Send your pictures to Ms. Watt at

Poppy Fund Donations Nov. 4-8

Every year, Nelson Elementary School collects donations to raise funds in support of Veterans and their families.
All students will receive a poppy at our assembly next Friday mo
rning at 10:45. Thank you, your generous donations are so very much appreciated.

Click on the soldier for more details on The Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Fund.

Nelson’s Annual Haunted House

A big Thank You to Mr. Morrison’s Grade 6/7 class for creating such a spooky haunted cruise ship for all the Nelson students to enjoy yesterday. We loved it!

1st Literacy Celebration of 2018/19!

reading-stories-smiley-emoticonPlease check out the pictures of our 1st literacy celebration, a Reading Train with our buddies!, in honour of National Library Day, by clicking on the LITERACY CELEBRATIONS tab at the top of the page!

Nelson’s 1st Spirit Day of 2019/20!

monster-smilies-0004monsterClick on NELSON SPIRIT DAYS above to see a picture of us in our masks before getting all dressed up for Halloween on Thursday.


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 5 pieces of candy left over. trick-or-treat
I had 10 candies. I ate 5. How many left? ~ Rosetta
110 pieces of candy. 4 friends took 20 candies. Then I took 25. How many left? ~ Jason
There were 8 candies left in the bucket. 1 person took 2. How many were there left? ~ Coleen
There were 12 candies. 7 got lost. How many candies are there left? ~ Lauren
11 candies. 6 were taken by trick or treaters. How many left? ~ Eli
There were 10 pieces of candy. 5 got taken. How many are left? ~ Giunelly

IMG_1528Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Tuesday!