Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 15 more cupcakes. 7007569
Mom baked 20 cupcakes. I ate 5. How many left? ~ Tessa
16 cupcakes being made. 1 fell. How many left? ~ Eli
There were 14 cupcakes. 1 was late. How many? ~ Preston
There were 20 cupcakes. 5 people ate it. How many left? ~ Nathan
16 cupcakes. 1 dropped. How many left? ~ Lauren
20 cupcakes. 5 got dropped. How many left? ~ Suhan
20 cupcakes in bakeries. 5 got sold. How many left? ~ Connor
There were 20 cupcakes. 5 kids ate 1 each. How many left? ~ Giunelly
20 people making cupcakes. 5 people came and ate 1 each. How many are left? ~ Elena
Ms. Watt’s class has 15 cupcakes but Ms. Tsumori’s class has 30. How many more cupcakes does Ms. Tsumori’s class have? ~ Ms. Watt
Kennedy ate 1 cupcake but her dad ate 16. How many more did Kennedy’s dad eat? ~ Ms. Watt

IMG_2774Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Tuesday!

Literacy Week!


All family members are welcome 
to join their kids in their classrooms
to enjoy a book together!
Brothers and sisters will be 
reading together in the younger siblings 


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 13 students dancing in a gymnasium. smiley_dance11
15 students in the gymnasium. 2 got bored. How many left? ~ Giunelly
There were 58 students in the gym signing up for the talent show, but only 20 signing up to dance. 7 thought it was too hard. How many left? ~ Tessa
There were 15 students dancing. 2 quit. How many left? ~ Coleen
100 kids in the gym. 87 spun out. How many left? ~ Sophia
14 students dancing in a gym. 1 fell down. How many left? ~ Nathan
14 students dancing in the gym. 1 got tired. How many left? ~ Suhan
20 people in a gym. 7 got tired. How many left? ~ Connor
There were 20 kids playing outside. 7 got in trouble and had to stay inside. How many are left? ~ Elena
2 students entered the gym to dance. 4 had to go to ELL. 3 got called to the office. 2 tripped and fell and had to sit out. How many students left dancing? ~ Ms. Watt

IMG_5558Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Tuesday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 15 snowmen playing in a snowstorm. snowman-2
There were 16 snowmen. 1 melted. How many left? ~ Jay
16 snowmen playing in a snowstorm. 1 was lost. How many left? ~ Nathan

IMG_5638Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Tuesday!

Jayden is a STAR!

Click on the photo to learn more about our friend, Jayden!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 7 elves still working in Santa’s workshop. santas-elf-smiley-emoticon
13 elves in Santa’s workshop. 6 needed to go to the bathroom. How many left? ~ Jason
There were 8 elves working in Santa’s workshop. 1 left to take a nap. Hoew many elves are left working? ~ Misa
10 elves working in Santa’s workshop. 3 went to eat cupcakes. How many left? ~ Nathan
There were 8 elves, one went to see Santa. How many elves left? ~ Lauren
11 elves working. 4 quit. How many working? ~ Connor
There were 11 elves. 4 left to deliver gifts to kids. How many left? ~ Rosetta

IMG_2416Here’s next week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class!

Brendan is a STAR!

Click on the photo to learn more about our friend, Brendan!

epic! January Calendar

Click on the Calendar above for a link to download and start the fun!

Jingle’s Adventures ~ Week 3

Jingle’s last week with us had her doing aerobics on our disco ball, giving herself a makeover, taking a ride on Rudolph, gliding on a zip line and playing Tic Tac Toe with our classroom stuffies! I sure hope she was proud of our behaviour these past 3 weeks and will give us a thumbs up to Santa! 
Click HERE for a closer look!

Eli is a STAR!

Click on the photo to learn more about our friend, Eli!