Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 21 Earth Day projects displayed on the wall. happyearthday
There were 24 earth day projects were displayed on the wall.
3 got ruined. How many projects left? ~ Misa
30 Earth Day projects displayed. 9 kids took theirs off the wall. How many Earth Day projects are on the wall? ~ Connor
There were 11 earth day projects on the right side of the classroom wall and there are 10 earth day projects on the hallway wall. How many earth day projects were displayed on the wall? ~ Lauren
There were 29 students, 4 of them did not finish their project. 2 of the projects were placed on the wall, and 2 students took their project home. How many projects left? ~ Sophia
There were 25 students doing their Earth Day projects. 4 forgot to do theirs. How many projects left? ~ Coleen
There were 25 Earth Day projects displayed on the wall, but 4 of them came in late. How many projects are left? ~ Tessa
Over the course of seven days, three students put up an Earth Day project on the wall. How many projects in all? ~ Ms. Watt

IMG_6884Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!


Big thank you to Misa and Nathan who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 15 classrooms cleaning up the community for Earth Day. SmileyRecycle
There were 17 classrooms cleaning up the community for Earth day,
2 classrooms left, how many classrooms were left cleaning up? ~ Misa
There are 17 classrooms at school, but 2 classrooms forgot to clean community on earth day! How many classrooms are  cleaning? ~ Nathan
10 primary classes and 5 intermediate classes gathered together to clean up the community for Earth Day. How many classrooms in all are participating? ~ Ms. Watt

IMG_6613Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!

Totem Poles

This week we’ll be working on a totem pole animal that represents ourselves.
Totem Poles tell the story of the person who made them.
Every animal carved into a pole and the colour chosen have a different and very important meaning.
Let’s start by reading through a two page article on Totem Poles.
Afterwards, answer questions on the article TOTEM POLES.

While thinking about what animal has similar characteristics as you, read about 6 different animals that were commonly used in Totems Pole HERE (Totem Pole Symbols pdf).
What animal are you like? Are you powerful like a bear? A builder like a beaver? A leader like an eagle? A trickster like a wolf?
Or, if you don’t connect with one of these 6 animals, which animal are you like? Are you jumpy and like swimming like a frog? Are you shy like a turtle? Are you loyal and like playing like a dog? Are you independent and watchful like a cat? Are you gentle, kind and caring like a deer? Are you intelligent and a risk taker like an eagle?

There are 5 pages of examples of different animals to look through for design ideas before starting.
Using an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper, draw a large head of your animal (some animals may need the whole body). It is important to fill as much of the page as possible.
Totem pole art uses lines around lines and shapes inside any empty space (but not too many!).
When finished drawing, there should be large spaces, of different shape and size, to be filled in with colour.
~ to be continued next week ~

This Week’s Number ~ 620

Please complete the form below (new one!) and email me a picture or the answers to and every Friday one will be randomly selected for a prize! 
This week’s number is: 620
Click on the link to print off a copy of the sheet! Number of the Week

Lauren is our 4th winner! YAY Lauren! Well done!

Optional: Extension activities
1. Use 620 and create a story problem
2. Find objects or items around the house to estimate 620 things
3. Draw a picture of 620 cents in as many different ways
4. Draw a picture of 620 using different base ten block symbols
 For example: 5 hundreds, 12 tens and 0 ones


Starting this week, I’ll be providing a STEM activity as an option on Wednesday (or any day!) instead of IXL. You’re more than welcome to continue with IXL, but these activities may be a fun challenge to complete alone or with your family. I’ll try to provide activities with materials that you have around the house or are easily accessible.

This week, we’re starting with the Tower Building Challenge!
Click HERE to see more visuals about STEM.

Covid-19 Time Capsule

We are living through history right now. Over the next week I’ll be asking you to continue to take some time each day to carefully and thoughtfully fill out a page about life during this very different time in your lives. I’ve really enjoyed reading the pages that you have been sending and I encourage you to keep up the great work! 4 more pages and then your parents will be asked to complete the last page on Friday. I’ll continue to post the pages here each day.
Time Capsule 1&2
Time Capsule 3
Time Capsule 4
Time Capsule 5
Time Capsule 6
Time Capsule 7
Time Capsule 8
Time Capsule 9
Time Capsule 10
Time Capsule 11

Kindness Calendar

May Kindness Calendar

epic! May Calendar

Click on the Calendar above for a link to download and start the fun!


Keep up the great work on IXL Division 8! 
This week’s work can be found under LEARNING – GRADE 2 MATH.
If you’re feeling really successful, please give yourself more of a challenge and head back to Grade 3 skills afterwards, but I’d like you to practice your subtraction with regrouping first.
Lastly, an apology. The primary teachers have realized that the IXL diagnostics can go on and on…and on and on… I apologize if there was any frustration. One of the hiccups that happens when not in the classroom with the kids. I hope no one was put off and is still enjoying some challenge on the website!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 48 students & 2 adults going bowling at Old Orchard Bowling Alley. bowling-smiley
50 kids and 4 adults bowling. 2 kids and adults got tired. How many people bowling? ~ ?
50 kids bowling. 2 left with one of the 3 adults. How many left? ~ Sophia
52 students and 3 teachers going bowling. 4 students were not here and 1 teacher was sick. How many left? ~ Giunelly
There were 49 students and 3 adults bowling, 1 student got hurt so 1 adult had to take him home. How many left? ~ Brendan
There were 40 students out bowling. 4 students were bored and wanted to join, another 4 students had a birthday and joined them. There were 3 adults at that birthday party, 1 of the adults had to go to work. How many left? ~ Sophia
There were a no adults and 82 students 41 of them left and 2 adults and 7 more kids showed up how many people are in the bowling alley? ~ Jay

There are 2 bowling lanes of 24 students and 1 teacher in each lane. How many students and teachers altogether? ~ Lauren

IMG_6700Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!