Pumpkin Patch!



Flat Stanley Adventures Continue!

I was SO excited to be told the other day that two Flat Stanleys had found their way back to Nelson!!
Flat Misa travelled to FIVE countries and Flat Emily travelled to Brazil!
🇦🇺 🇳🇿 🇺🇸 🇲🇽 🇨🇦 🇧🇷
I am so disappointed to not be there to share them with you, but I’ve posted all the information and pictures on the blog for everyone to check out.
Remember, all of our Flat Stanley adventures can be found under the FLAT STANLEY tab at the top of the page and then by clicking on
2019/20 Flat Stanley Adventures.
Thank you again to all of you who were able to send your Flat Stanley on an adventure last year. Fingers crossed we’re all able to go on more adventures, near and far, one day again soon.
When it is safe to travel, where is the first place you would go, if you could travel anywhere in the world!? Why? My answer is in the comment section and I would love to know yours!
Miss you and love you guys!
Ms. Watt ❤️

epic! August Calendar

Click on the Calendar above for a link to download and start the fun!

epic! July Calendar

Click on the Calendar above for a link to download and start the fun!

Hip, Hip, Wee we have almost made it through Grade 3!

Congratulations Division 8,

It has been such a fun and exciting year of learning and growing! This is the last week of school, and as such you should be really proud of your progress and accomplishments throughout this year. We want to say a big thank you from Ms. Watt and Mr. Ewert for your learning efforts in spite of the unique circumstances of term three. Just a few reminders before the end of this week:

  1. I will post a few assignments for this week on the blog that you can work on if you would like.
  2. Report card pick up will be on Thursday in the gym. Please read over this letter from Mr. Hamilton (principal) about your pick-up time (June 2020 newsletter).
  3. If you do not pick up your report card, it will be mailed to you in the upcoming weeks.

Once again, thank you from Ms. Watt and Mr. Ewert for being a wonderful class and a positive contribution to the Nelson Elementary Community.

Have a great summer!

Baby Ava James 👶🏼💞

Division 8, I’m so excited to introduce you to Ava Josephine James!
She rushed into the world on June 1st and we’ve been falling in love with her ever since. I can’t wait for you all to meet her in person.
❤️ Ms. Watt


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer last week:
The answer is 11 hockey players on the ice. hockey%20player
There were twenty hockey players on the ice. 9 hockey players were called out to have a break. How many hockey players are on the ice?~ Connor
There were 13 hockey players on the ice. 2 got injured. How many players are still playing?~ Misa
33 players tried out for a hockey team. Only 14 made it. The next day 3 of them missed their practice. How many hockey players made it to practice? ~ Lauren
There were 15 hockey players on the ice. 2 of them got subbed. Then 1 of them tripped and he went home. Then there was a fight and 1 of them got hurt and came off the ice. How many hockey players are on the ice?~ Tessa

IMG_7075Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Monday!

June 8th is Pro-D Day!

Good morning students and families!

Just a quick reminder that Monday June 8th is a Pro-D Day, so your new online learning content for this week will be posted tomorrow – Tuesday June 9th.

I had a lot of great assignments handed in last week, and I am looking forward to seeing more this week!

Our Zoom meeting is still scheduled for this Wednesday at 10am!

Wishing you all a great day!

Welcome to June!

Hello Division 8!

The month of June is here! 

You have most certainly probably noticed that with the nicer weather this time of year we see greener grass, more leaves on the trees, and flowers and plants growing and sprouting! The next time you are out on a walk with your family, take notice of the new growth you see that might not have been there last month! to fit with this, we will be starting a new unit on Plants, that I think all of you are going to both enjoy and do a great job at participating in!

Very important to note, is that we will be covering the same material online as we will in-class. For those of you attending class in-person starting this week, please do not complete the online material in advance as this is what we will be covering in-class.

Our Wednesday 10am Zoom meeting is still on, and all students (whether you are planning to attend in-person or continue with online learning) are welcome to attend! I look forward to seeing you and hearing your temperatures and bouquets, and possibly finishing up with a few games!

Please remember that in terms of assessment, there will be no difference to your report card whether you chose to continue with online learning or if you chose to return in-person. Please just continue to approach your assignments with your best efforts either way!

For parents: should there be any change regarding your choice of where your child is learning, please let myself or the school office know immediately.

epic! June Calendar

Click on the Calendar above for a link to download and start the fun!