Earth Day

Earth Day

Student Led Conferences

Your child brought home an envelope of work today that they’ve been doing over the past 8 months. Please enjoy going through the work over the weekend and celebrate all of your child’s hard work!
There is a reflection sheet to complete with your child when you’re done.
Please return all items by next Wednesday, April 27th.

Auto Bio Poems

Division 9 has been creating All About Me poetry! We’ve been writing about our favourite foods, clothes, people, places…what scares us, makes us happy…what we give to others and what we need from those around us.
Click HERE to read all about us!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 46 chocolate Easter bunnies eaten in all. 8_3_48
There were 97 chocolate Easter bunnies but 51 got eaten. How many left? ~ Malachi
There were 88 Easter eggs. 42 got eaten. How many left? ~ Satvik

IMG_6613Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2/3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Tuesday!

International Day of Human Space Flight

Solar System

April Kindness Calendar

April Kindness Calendar

epic! April Calendar

Click on the Calendar above for a link to download and start the fun!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 22 green shamrocks left over. 8_9_38
There were 21 shamrocks. 1 more came. How many shamrocks? ~ Alex
20 shamrocks came. 10 more came. 8 left. How many are left? ~ Cecilia
There were 69 shamrocks. 40 flew. 8 came and 15 ripped. How many now? ~ Satvik
There are 42 shamrocks. 30 fell into a pond. 16 were delivered and 6 ripped. How many now? ~ Satvik

IMG_3876Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2/3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Tuesday!

Jump Rope 4 Heart 2022

Last week, for the 40th year in a row, Nelson students participated in:
Participating in Jump Rope for Heart helps Nelson students learn the importance of physical activity, healthy eating and giving to others. It also teaches them how to recognize the signs of a stroke so that they may be able to help in a family members time of need.
We jumped with our buddies outside on Wednesday and then with our friends in Ms Tsumori’s class on Thursday in the gymnasium.
Click on the below picture to see us having fun and exercising our hearts!

Recess and Lunch Changes

After Spring Break, students will be returning to eating their recess snacks outside during their recess break from 10:20-10:40. Please keep this in mind when packing your child’s snack. Students will also be able to go outside after eating their lunch as of 12:10, instead of the split lunch hours that we’ve been having.
Any questions? Please let me know!
Ms. Watt