2023 Terry Fox Total!

Yay Nelson!! I have just received word of our grand total for our Terry Fox Run in September. A big thank you to all of our fundraisers this year.
As for our school total…Drumroll please…
$2, 647.50

Donate Now for Jump Rope for Heart!

On March 15th, the last day before Spring Break, we are jumping for our hearts!
We will be practicing our jumping a couple times a week for Jump Rope for Heart 2024! We’ll be skipping for a 40 minute block and participating in many skipping challenges. Everyone’s been working hard on their skipping moves and I’m so excited for all the fun! PLEASE CLICK ON THE HEART PICTURE TO THE LEFT TO DONATE! Nelson has always been incredibly supportive of the Heart and Stroke Foundation and it’s grown in importance after losing our beloved custodian, Mr. Olsen, to a heart attack a few years ago. Ms. Tsakalos has set our fundraising goal at $2, 500. There will be reminders in our planners to wear runners and comfortable, cool clothing for our days of jumping! Don’t forget to bring your water bottle as well! Go Nelson Go!
Online donations will be open until March 24th.


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 4 chubby brown groundhogs. groundhog-284
There were 100 chubby brown groundhogs but 96 went away. How many left? ~ Naisha ~ Thank you Naisha! 🙂
10 chubby brown groundhogs went to eat but 6 more went home. How many are left? ~ Heart
10 chubby brown groundhogs. 6 went home. How many now? ~ Merry
10 chubby brown groundhogs. 6 chubby groundhogs fell asleep. How many now? ~ Merry
8 chubby groundhogs. 4 thought they were not chubby. How many now? ~ Bernice
There was 1 chubby brown groundhog. His 3 friends got chubby too. How many now? ~ Chloee

IMG_5840Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2/3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Tuesday!

Nelson Movie Night ~ Migration!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 22 students reading in the dark at Nelson.  animated-smileys-reading-049
20 students reading in the dark. 2 more from the light just moved to the dark. How many in all? ~ Merry 
There were 31 students, 9 went and read in the light. How many now? (2 hours later they come back) ~ Whit 
16 students reading in the dark. 6 more came. How many in all? ~ Merry 
28 kids were reading in the dark. 6 went home to sleep. How many now? ~ Bernice 
19 students reading in the dark. 3 students come to read. How many students are reading in the dark? ~ Emily

IMG_5659Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2s/3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Tuesday!

Valentine’s Candy Grams!

One Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week, leadership students will be selling Candy Grams at recess.
On Wednesday, February 14th, Valentine’s Day, Leadership students will deliver the candy grams to your class! Let’s treat our friends and spread some love at Nelson!

Periodic Table of Canadian Black History

Inspired by a similar project from a US school library, the original Periodic Table of Canadian Black History was created in 2020 by a Parents for Diversity Board member and displayed in an Ottawa primary school. The Periodic Table of Canadian Black History is a tool that educators, students, and families can use to explore and celebrate the stories, voices, and accomplishments of Black Canadians.

Click on the picture above to access the interactive version!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 15 more cupcakes. 7007569
There were 20 cupcakes. The kid ate 5 cupcakes. How many now? ~ Logan & Sam
There were 100 cupcakes. 85 got eaten. How many do I have? ~ Logan
There were 14 cupcakes. Someone brought 1 more. How many will be served? ~ Whit
There needs to be 20 cupcakes but there’s only 5. How many more do we need? ~ Finn
There were 10 cupcakes on the fridge. 5 more just delivered to the house. How many in all? ~ Merry
There were 6 cupcakes in the oven. Someone baked 9 more cupcakes. How many now? ~ Bernice
There were 90 cupcakes. A guy ate 75. How many are left? ~ Jasper & Duncan
There were 13 cupcakes. 2 were eaten. How many now? ~ Diego
Ms. Watt’s class has 15 cupcakes but Ms. Tsumori’s class has 30. How many more cupcakes does Ms. Tsumori’s class have? ~ Ms. Watt
Kennedy ate 1 cupcake but her dad ate 16. How many more did Kennedy’s dad eat? ~ Ms. Watt

IMG_2774Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2/3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Tuesday!


Thank you to all the students who created questions to our Think Math answer this week:
 The answer is 13 students dancing in a gymnasium. smiley_dance11
20 students were dancing in the gym. 7 broke their bones. How many now? ~ Sam
15 students dancing in the gymnasium. 2 stopped dancing. How many now? ~ Finn
12 students dancing in the gym. 1 student comes. How many students dancing in the gym? ~ Emily 
There were 20 kids dancing in the gym. 7 went home. How many now? (The next day they came back) ~ Whit 
20 students in a gymnasium. 7 quit. How many left? ~ Jasper, Duncan & Roy
16 students dancing. 2 got time outs because they slipped and hit someone. How many people are left? ~ Christy & Jonathan
There were 10 students dancing in a gymnasium. 3 came back from China. How many in all? ~ Merry
There are 53 students dancing in a gym. 40 left because they are sick! How many students now in the gym? ~ Merry
10 kids were dancing in the gymnasium. 3 kids were playing with jump ropes. How many in all? ~ Chloee & Miya
9 kids doing classes and 4 others were late. How many in all? ~ Chloee & Miya 
22 students entered the gym to dance. 4 had to go to ELL. 3 got called to the office. 2 tripped and fell and had to sit out. How many students left dancing? ~
Ms. Watt

IMG_5558Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2/3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Tuesday!


Thank you to Merry (Yay Merry!) who created a question to our Think Math answer this week:
The answer is 15 snowmen playing in a snowstorm. snowman-2
20 snowmen playing in a snowstorm. 5 came but later 10 leave. How many snowmen are playing? ~ Emily
There were 18 snowmen playing in a snowstorm. 3 were going home. How many now? ~ Merry

IMG_5638Here’s this week’s answer! Good Luck Grade 2/3s! Remember there are as many different correct answers as there are students in our class! I can’t wait to share the answers next Tuesday!