Category Archives: Performances

Winter Concert ~ Wed. Dec. 18th

Nelson’s Winter Concert is on Wednesday, December 18th from 10:50-11:50!
Please have your child wear black bottoms and a white or blue top.

Remembrance Day

Division 8 & 9 presented at Fridays Indigenous Veterans Day assembly and did a wonderful job. They spoke of the painting on the left by Indigenous artist Mike Holden, of the Cote First Nation in Saskatchewan. It depicts Chief Joseph Dreaver (1881–1978). Chief Dreaver was a decorated soldier who served in both world wars.

Click on the picture to watch our presenters in action.


Today we walked to t. Michaels with Grade 3s in Division 7 and 8 to sing for the seniors!
stay tuned for pictures!

Can’t wait forecret Park tomorrow anduncrest Park on Tuesday!

Looking forward to celebrating with shirts tomorrow!

Spring Showcase

Thursday, May 11th is Nelson’s Spring Showcase!
Primary students will be performing from 11:00 – ~11:45. Families are invited to start arriving in the gym at 10:40.
Students should be wearing dark bottoms and a Nelson shirt or a bright top.

The Monster Mash ~ It was a Nelson Smash!

After weeks of practice & hard work the Grade 3s and 4s in Division 7 and 8 ghoulishly performed the Monster Mash. 

Click on the picture below to see us dance!
Monster Mash Dance

End of Year Band Concert

The Grade 7 band treated us to a wonderful band concert this afternoon. Thank goodness for the sun that made the outdoor concert possible.

End of Year Band Concert

Mr. Denroche treated us to a wonderful band concert this morning. The undercover area was the perfect location as the hot sun made the outdoor concert possible.

Nelson Christmas Concert ~ Tuesday, December 18th

Nelson’s Primary Christmas Concert is tomorrow,
Tuesday, December 18th from 6:00-6:45.

Please have your children wear white on the top and black on the bottom.
Please drop off your child in our classroom at 5:45 in order to get ready for the concert.
You are invited to bring them back to the gym after the performance is done if they have a sibling performing in the Intermediate concert.

See you all there! Any questions, please contact me through your child’s planner.
Thank you!

The Monster Mash ~ It was a Nelson Smash!

After weeks of practice & hard work the Grade 1s & 3s in Division 12 & 8 ghoulishly performed the Monster Mash. 
Click on the picture below to see us dance!
Monster Mash Dance

Oh, Chihuahua!

Div. 8 & 9’s Grade 2s & 3s rocked their smiley-dance019dance on Fri., Jan. 19th!smiley-dance018
Everyone performed with energy & a smile on their face & wowed the crowd of students, teachers & parents!LcdoBxzoiClick HERE & HERE to see videos of our moves!
and HERE for the whole school performance