Category Archives: Class Activities

🇨🇦 Where Am I? 🇨🇦

Check out next week’s Where Am I? by clicking on the WHERE AM I? tab above! Comment with your answer and Ms. Watt will enter it for you in the classroom! Good luck Division 8!

Supplies still needed

Hello parents and guardians,
Below is a picture of the sharpie that your children need this year. We’ll be using it for many art projects that will hopefully be displayed proudly in your homes. If you could send one to school as soon as possible, we can complete our art and start decorating your homes.
Every student in the class also needs at least one pen. Red, blue, green, any colour except black so that they can tell it apart from the pencil on their page.
Every student wrote down a very short list of supplies still needed in their planner today and I have circled in pink what they still need. Any questions, please let me know in their planners. Thanks so much for your continued support.
Ms. Watt

All About Me Silhouettes ~ Div. 9

Division 9 parents,
Thank you so much for helping your children create such incredible silhouettes! I am so impressed with everyone’s final product! The class & I really enjoyed learning more about each other as they were presented over the last week. Please scroll through & enjoy everyone’s hard work. Can you identify who is who?! Click on each picture to find out who it is! Enjoy!!
Click HERE to see close ups of everyone’s silhouette.

SHANIAI have cricket here because I love watching cricket with my mom’s family. I have pink flowers here because pink is one of my favourite colours. I have chocolate chip cookies because chocolate chip cookies are my favourite kind of cookie. I have a plane because I love travelling. I’ve travelled to India. I have this book here, There Was an Old Lady Who Ate Books, because it’s one of my favourite books.

MARCUSI like dinosaurs because they’re cool and they’re scary. I like Pikacu because I like pokemon cards. I like ice cream because its delicious and cold. My favourite flavour is vanilla. I like hamburgers because when I think of them my mouth waters and they’re juicy. I like when mom and dad make them for dinner. I like lettuce, pickles, onions and ketchup on them. I like tv because then I can play my video games and I’m really good at playing them. I like sharks because they are cool and they eat fish and I like fish.

KEBBIEI like lollipops because they taste yummy.
I like reading some books because my mom always allows me to read a book. I like flowers because I like picking them.
I like butterflies and I’ve always wanted one as a pet. I like I drew a tiny bag because I really lie a bag at home, it’s black and it’s my moms. I drew a box with a Y for yogurt.


KEEYANI like swimming because I like to go to the beach and jump in the sea with my dad and mom. I like travelling because I have a car and I like watching movies. I like the sports hockey and soccer because every time I’m bored I ask my mom can we play hockey or soccer. Every time there’s a hockey game I watch it. I like to go to the beach because I like to build sand castles and when I’m done I always call my mom to destroy them by kicking them. I like Pokemon cards because sometimes I trade my brother a stage 2 for a stage 2.

NALLYI have hamsters because I like hamsters.
I like cats because they are cute. I like dogs because they are cute. I have this dress because I like the colour pink. I have Elsa because I like the movie Frozen.




My favourite animal is a skull crawler. They were in a movie called Kong Skull Island. 
My favourite game is Roblox. My favourite game is also Flood Escape II. I know how to boost my way up not even climbing a ladder. My second favourite animal is an orca because they actually kill a great white. I like soda for a reason I just don’t know. Sometimes I read at my home.
Sometimes I watch sub zero on Youtube.

SEANThis is my hat right here. I love my hat because it doesn’t give me bad dreams.
I like sushi because it’s one of my favourite foods. My favourite is California Roll. I love phones because you can do anything on it. My favourite thing to do on it is play games. I love ice cream and my favourite kind is mango. Whenever I eat it I want more. I like YouTube because it’s my favourite thing to do on my iPad and I love playing games and watching people play games. I have table top hockey because its my favourite thing to do and whenever I come home I want to play it with my dad.

ALEXANDRAMy favourite sports are soccer and hockey. I like them because its good exercise and it’s really fun. I like going gardening with my family. Sometimes when I’m gardening I find hornets nests or wasps nests. I really like going to beaches with my family. My favourite sea animal is turtles. I saw one in the ocean in Hawaii and I also saw an electric eel.


KAII like pizza because its one of my favourite foods and whenever I go to a restaurant I make us order it. I like this golden ticket because I like gold and its one of my favourite colours. I like The Halloween Spirit because its Halloween and thats one of my favourite times. I like Ninjago, it’s one of my favourite movies. I have a lego ship because I like ships and its one of my favourite things. I like to make Lego.

BRANDONI like Dilly Bars.
I like fruits.
I like hot dogs.
I like chocolates from my family.
I like flying around on airplanes with my family.
I like locks and keys because I’m locking up something great.

NATHANI put The Diary of the Wimpy Kid because it’s my second favourite book. I also have DogMan, it’s my first favourite book because it’s funny. I have people sitting on an elephant because before I sat on an elephant. I have a race car because I have many different types of race cars. I have kids digging up on a beach because I like opening some rocks which expose lots of tiny little crabs.

RYANI like DogMan because its my favourite comic in the world. My favourite video game is Mario Kart on the Wii because you have a real steering wheel. My favourite activity is making perler beads. This one is a gameboy and its my second favourite one. My BEST favourite video game is Roblox of course and my favourite game in Road Blocks is Flood Escape II. My favourite drink is Gatorade and my favourite flavour is fruit punch.


I like swimming because I can do a front flip underwater and a back flip and a hand stand. I like waterslides because they’re very fun and they have water on them. I like pizza because it tastes really good and I like pizza that has lots of different toppings. I like the carnival because I like to go down roller coasters and water rides. I like unicorns because they have colourful hair and some of them can fly.


I like my family because it’s nice to stay at home with them and watch movies. I like school because there are lots of fun things to do. I like making bracelets. It’s my favourite thing, even making friendship bracelets. Music is my favourite thing because I like to sing and I like hearing music, its fun. I like watermelon because juicy and tasty.



I have a scarecrow because I like scarecrows and I like Halloween. I like McDonalds and I like to eat a chicken burger and French fries. I like Sharpie pens to trace things. I like the Guinness Books of Records because I would like to have it. This is a video screen; I like to watch tv shows that are funny. I have a phone because I’d like to have one.



I have a picture of Mia because I’m really sad because she left because she’s my best friend. She went to a different school. The second thing I have is a picture of me and my sister because even though she gets upset with me sometimes I still love her. I have a picture of my sister because it reminds me of the time when I first had her as a sister. I have a picture of a bunny because I used to have a bunny but then he died because my dad left him outside.


I put baking here because I like to cook with my mom and dad. I have two birds here because I’ve got two parakeets at home. Their names are Twinkle and Sparkly. I like bunnies because they are cute. I like raspberries. They are my favourite fruit. My favourite kind of chips are pringles. I like chocolate and blueberry muffins.



I have a picture of my family because we went to a beach. Here’s my moms old pet cat. I’ve seen him a couple times. Here is my pet fish Blue. I have skates because I like ice skating. I take lessons. I have pizza because it’s my favourite food, cheese pizza.


Silhouette All About Me Posters!

Division 8 & 9 students are bringing home their silhouettes to fill in with all of their favourite things.
Students have choices of how they can fill in their silhouettes. They can draw the images or cut out pictures from magazines, brochures, newspapers, or print off images from the computer.
Decorate with images of all of your favourite things!
Food, activities, places, people, animals, holidays, etc.
Click on Miss Watt’s example below for a closer look. Miss Watt's All About MeWe will be sharing our finished work with our classmates, so come prepared to tell us why you chose the images you did! I can’t wait to learn more about All of You!

When I Grow Up…

We ended our year together looking into the future…CLICK for a closer look!

NHL Playoffs! Round 1!

Our Canucks did not make the playoffs 

Who should we cheer for & track on our hockey board Division 8!?

DALLASsmall_logoSTARS          ST. LOUISSt-Louis-Blues-LogoBLUES
NASHVILLEsmall_logoPREDATORS          L.A.6443KINGS
DETROITDetr_Red_Wings-logoRED WINGS          SAN JOSESanJoseSharksLogoSHARKS


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Click on the YOUNG ARTISTS tab above to see these pastel works
of art up close & they’re guaranteed to put a smile on your face! 

Catching Snowflakes!

catching-snowflakes-smiley-emoticonCrossing our fingers & hoping for a white Christmas, we were inspired to do some winter artwork. See our pastel art, Catching Snowflakes, by clicking on the YOUNG ARTISTS tab above!


IMG_1332      IMG_1330      IMG_1331
 frankensteinClick on the YOUNG ARTISTS tab above to see our electrifying art!

Secret Park Leaf Hunting

Click on the leaf above to see pictures of us collecting leaves for our family mobiles we’ll be creating with Ms. Tsumori’s class.