Category Archives: Class Activities

Division 8 Recognition


Well done Division 8 Grade 3s! We’ve been recognized by two teachers for your responsibility & hard work.
Mrs. Dodd & the Green Team recognized us on their Recycling Superstars board for recycling efforts in our classroom.P1130218P1130231

Mrs. Roberts recognized our class for returning all our books. We’ve been added to Igor’s Pillar of Fame & I look forward to our next extra recess when all books are returned! Keep up the good work!

Halloween at St. Michaels

Mrs. Lentz has passed the torch ~ after 22 years of visiting St. Michaels with her Grade 1 class, Mrs. Lentz retired last year and handed down the honour to Divisions 12 & 8. Thursday was our 1st visit of the year, although many grade 3 students in Division 8 were students in Mrs. Lentz’s class 2 years ago. They proved to be incredible leaders while interacting with the seniors at St. Michaels & the grade 1s proved to be just as gracious & friendly with the audience.
Miss Gatenby & I are very, very proud!!

Click on each of the pictures above to see each of our 5 songs performed!

The Monster Mash ~ It was a Nelson Smash!

After weeks of practice & hard work the Grade 1s & 3s in Division 12 & 8 ghoulishly performed the Monster Mash. Click on the picture below to see!


Art with our buddies frankensteinMrs Dodd’s 6/7s ~ Stained Glass Frankensteins!P1130931P1130909P1130908P1130906P1130905P1130904P1130917P1130914P1130923P1130925P1130910P1130911P1130913P1130927P1130918P1130919P1130921P1130935P1130934P1130936P1130933

The wonderful students of Division 8!


TERRY FOX Assembly Presentation

Division 8 did an incredible job presenting our Terry Fox Acrostic Poem
at our Terry Fox pre-run assembly. Here we are!:B1291728DC19E9CC3927B891DB52

Flat Stanley Project

Flat-Stanley-AdventuresWe are currently learning about continents & other map skills in class. Among them, we are learning how to locate our province, our country & other countries on maps & globes. The character Flat Stanley has inspired our current project. Click on the picture above to learn more!
Division 8 students have created their very own Flat Stanleys that are ready for adventure!  There are a couple different ways they can travel…

Take Flat Stanley on Your Family Vacation
Take pictures of your family with your Flat Stanley at landmarks & recognizable locations during your travels & if you are able to purchase a postcard &/or small souvenir it is definitely welcome! When you return email the photos to Miss Watt @ & she’ll share them with the class!

Mail Flat Stanley Around the World
Your Flat Stanley can be sent to a friend or relative that lives in another province, or one that lives in another country! We can mail our Flat Stanleys from school, so if you provide the name and address, Miss Watt will take care of the postage. Division 8 has a letter that is sent along to explain the activity to friends or family members & one for them to return to our class. The recipient will be asked to return the traveller after a week or so with pictures of the Flat Stanley somewhere in their area and a postcard or artifact/souvenir if they are able. They are also able to email me the photos @

When the Flat Stanleys return to school, we will plot their whereabouts on our map & share the information received with each other. 
Our Flat Stanley project will continue throughout the year & we are all very excited about what we’ll learn about our world. Our own travels; letters, pictures & artifacts from our friends & family; & lastly through the research we do in the classroom, we will learn about the different places our Flat Selves travel to. 

To see examples of other Flat Stanleys please click HERE to see a video made by the Canadian creator of the Flat Stanley Project!

Division 9 Stories

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Burnaby Art Gallery ~ Memories of Place

Arts AliveDivision 9 made the short journey to the Burnaby Art Gallery this Wednesday. Thank you parent drivers!! We were there to see 2 exhibits & create some art!

On the 1st floor we saw the Arts Alive exhibit which featured the works of talented Burnaby students. It showcased student paintings, drawings & sculptures depicting a place that holds special memories. We grabbed a clipboard & became gallery detectives & went on a Gallery Search to find key images in the works of art. We found a Pharaoh, fireworks, nighttime, & even a watermelon!
Click here to see their amazing works of art! Well done to all the young artists!

On the gallery’s 2nd floor we saw Focus on the Collection: Wood Engraving which featured a selection of wood engravings which the gallery has been collecting over the past 60 years. We took our clip boards around & studied & drew setting, line detail, & how the artists depicted calm & movement.

The second part of our visit was in the fireside room where we created our own paintings using watercolour paints & watercolour crayons depicting a place that holds special memories . Click on the tree above to see Division 9 artists at work!

* * * special note re: VICTORIA DAY this weekend in Burnaby * * *

GuyFawkesFireworksSmileyHappy-2This Victoria Day Monday from 11am-4:30pm is a special time at the Burnaby Village Museum! Just around the corner from the Art Gallery there’s “entertainment all day long including: Morris Dancers, a parade, and construction of a colossal cake. After the parade, be presented to Queen Victoria by her ladies-in-waiting during the Queen’s Levee. Enjoy a piece of birthday cake.”
Click on the smiley for more details! I hope some of you can go join in the fun!


images*sigh* Fingers crossed…finger smiley
Division 9 has been hard at work transforming our classroom into a Canuck Cheering Zone. Putting to work our artistic skills to create Canuck borders & our math skills to create graphs of all different kinds! We’re using pie graphs, bar graphs, pictographs & tally charts to record games won, goals scored, players points & our predictions.
Tomorrow Nelson will be alive as the Canucks head into a Do or Die Game 4 in San Jose, with staff & students wearing Canuck gear, making game predictions (thanks Mr. Klarich!), buying tickets to win an autographed Sedin jersey (thanks Leadership!) & I cannot wait til everyone joins together to sing The Hockey Song (thanks Mrs. Heighton!). Nelson Spirit is at its peak!Let’s get our Canucks back to Vancouver for Game 5! Go Canucks Go! Go Canucks Go! Go Canucks Go! Go…

click on Johnny Canuck to see our hard workjohnny2