Category Archives: Class Activities

Spiral Multiplication!

Looking for a new twist on how you practice your multiplication tables!?
1 ~ Use a deck of cards (we use A-9) to make a spiral game board starting from the center.
2 ~ Place your game pieces at the start.
3 ~ Player 1 rolls the die & multiplies the number on the die by the card the game piece is on.
4 ~ If they are correct, they move the number of spaces the die shows. If they are incorrect, they do not get to move.
5 ~ Take turns & repeat until someone reaches the end.
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NHL Playoffs! Round 2!

Our Canucks are out of the playoffs 🙁
(click on the image to see our hockey board up close!)

Who should we cheer for & track on our hockey board now Division 8!?


Easter Eggs!

IMG_6472On Tuesday morning we gathered in our room with Miss Marino’s Ks & grade 1s to decorate &250308364 dye our (slightly cracked) Easter eggs!4funnies_com_animated_emoticons_easter_06
Click on the picture to see more!
On Thursday morning, we visited Saint Michaels with Miss Gatenby’s grade 1s for our 3rd time this year & sang for the seniors.
After entertaining, we were all spoiled with snacks before returning to school!

Spring Break WHERE AM I?

The new Where Am I? is up! I learned something new about Saint Patrick’s Day in Canada & I hope you do too! Click on WHERE AM I? tab above!

I Want To Fly ~ starring Yi!

Yi & her family made a video that was created as part of the Burnaby Digital Storytelling Project. I think is very important for everyone to take a few minutes to watch this inspiring video.
Yi’s mom, Ada’s, digital story is inspired by her experience as an immigrant to Canada. Like many immigrants, she wanted to give her daughter a better life. The themes seen here were inspired by Yi, who has always wanted to fly & who loves birds. Ada chose to make all of the sound & drawings with Yi.
In Ada’s words, the story is “special, a work of both of us.”

Well done Yi!! You & your mom did a beautiful job & you should feel very proud!
After watching the video grade 3s, do you have any connections to Yi’s experience?

GENIUS HOUR Research Engines

Below are search engines that can be used for all the fascinating topics we are researching for our Genius Hour projects! reading

Crazy Canadian Customs

An interesting video to take a look at Grade 3s, explaining this week’s Where Am I? & strangely connected to Mahtab’s hilarious book he brought in for me to read to you today…Take a peak at the weirdness of our wonderful country of Canada!mummers-fest-logo-2014Click on the picture above to find out more! smileygarden069069

Catching Snowflakes!

catching-snowflakes-smiley-emoticonWith the cold weather of the past week, we were inspired to do some winter artwork. See our pastel art, Catching Snowflakes, by clicking on the YOUNG ARTISTS tab above!

Art in the Style of Eric Carle

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Click HERE to see our art up close!


new-year-countdown-smiley-emoticonMy favourite (soon to be yours too!) time of the school year has arrived!
abc-countdownThe ALPHABECOUNTDOWN has begun!

For the rest of the school year we’ll be celebrating each day with a letter, or two. We’ll be participating in activities &/or dressing in something special to make our last month together memorable & lots of fun!
Today we began with A & spent the day with our favourite stuffed ANIMALS!