Suncrest Water Park Days (This week)

Good morning families!

Suncrest Waterpark – June 22 & 23

If the weather is warm enough our class will be going to the Suncrest Waterpark next to our school on June 22 from 10:50am – 11:50am and June 23 from 1:00pm – 2:50pm. We will be joined by Division 11 on both days. Please ensure your child comes to school with the following items listed below on these days. As there are no change rooms in the school, it would be best if students came to school wearing their swimsuits under their clothes. Families are welcome to join us during these times!

Please pack:

– a water bottle

– sunscreen

– a hat

– a bathing suit or change of clothes/ water shoes or sandals

– a towel

– a bag to carry their things in

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Sports Day tomorrow

Good afternoon families,

Tomorrow is sports day! A reminder to please be at school when the first bell rings at 8:50am as the first event (Bike/ Scooter parade) will begin at 9:10am. We will need to take attendance prior to heading outside.  Parents can join us for this event, please meet us on the field for the parade.

Please pack a water bottle and a lunch (if you did not order fun lunch). We will be taking our water bottles out onto the field with us to hydrate along the way.

Students who wear their house team colour tomorrow earn 10 points for their team. Please check Freshgrade for the teams list if you are not sure which team your child is on.

Dismissal will be at 1pm tomorrow.

Father’s Day gifts and cards will also be coming home today.

Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!

Ms. Toor


Tomorrow is Yellow Day

Good afternoon Division 12 families,

Thank you for sending back the field trip forms so quickly.

If you are interested in volunteering for our Central Park trip please email me as soon as possible. We will need 3-4 parents peer class.

Tomorrow is Yellow Day. Just wanted to clarify as there was some confusion when I made our original calendar. We will also write it down today in our planners.

Thursday will be blue day and Friday will be your house team colour day.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Spirit Week, Sports Day and Central Park Field Trip Notice

Dear Division 12 Families,

This week will be a very busy one as it is Spirit Week leading up to Sports Day on Friday! Students should wear the following colours on the following days to earn points for their house team:

Spirit Week and Sports Day Information

Monday June 13th will be Red Day

Tuesday June 14th will be Green Day

Wednesday June 15th will be Yellow Day

Thursday June 16th will be Blue Day

Friday June 17th is SPORTS DAY (weather permitting)  students should wear their house Team Element colour. (Fire- Red, Water- Blue, Earth-Green, Air-Yellow) and comfortable shoes! (Preferably runners)

If the weather is very rainy Sports Day will be CANCELLED – please refer to the school website for information regarding cancelation.  If Sports Day is cancelled the school day will resume as usual and Dismissal will still be at 1pm.

  • BIKE PARADE: On Sports Day there will be a Bike PARADE. This is optional! For those that are not participating we will watch and cheer for others together!
  • If students want to decorate a bike or a scooter and enter the parade they may do so. STUDENTS MUST HAVE A HELMET TO WEAR, or they will be asked to walk their bike in the parade. We ask that Bikes be brought to school in the morning at 8:45 am and be placed in the designated colour area against the fence along the backstop area of the field closest to the school. Students must then report to their classroom as usual. There will be an adult watching the bikes to ensure they are safe. After the Parade students will be asked to lock up their bikes along the fence in front of the primary classroom doors or parents could arrange to take them home or to their car/van at that time. Students who do not have a lock to lock up their bikes may leave them in the school Gymnasium until the end of Sports Day. Please Pick up your bike or scooter at the end of the day.
  •  Early Dismissal 1pm and Pizza Fun Lunch on Friday June 17th.

Field Trip Notice

Our notice is coming home today in our planners. We will be walking to Central Park on Tuesday June 28 and spending the day there. Please return by Wednesday June 22.

With Kindness,

Ms. Toor

June Calendar and Upcoming Events

Good afternoon families!

June is already here! Here are some things to note for the last month of this school year!

Body Science Presentation-  (TOMORROW- JUNE 3)

Please be at school when the first bell rings at 8:50am tomorrow. We will need to take attendance and make our way to a different room for the presentation before it begins at 9am.

Spirit Days -Each time you dress up 10 points go towards your house team!

Spirit days have been added to the calendar.

June 3rd – Shade Day 

  • Choose one different shades to dress in – no colours (all black, all white or all grey, can also mix and match)

June 10 – Athletic wear day

  • Sports jersey, uniforms that they wear for dance, ballet, badminton, tennis, running.. etc.

Spirit Week (June 13-17):

  • Monday June 13- Red Day (wear red)
  • Tuesday June 14- Green Day (wear green)
  • Wednesday June 15- Yellow Day (wear yellow)
  • Thursday June 16- Blue (wear blue)
  • Friday June 17 – wear your house team colour (Sports Day)

Library – Return all books by June 10:

Our last library book exchange will be on Tuesday June 7 and all library books must be returned to school by June 10. If you are missing books please email Ms.Ho. 

Sports Day – June 17:

Our school will be having our sports day which will focus on a variety of sports for students to participate in throughout the day and dismissal is at 1pm.

Last two days of school – June 28 & June 29:

The last full day of school is June 28 and students will be bringing home all their school supplies and work today. Students will only be at school for 1 hour from 8:50am – 10am on June 29.

Suncrest  waterpark:

If the weather warms up over the next few weeks, our class may plan some days to visit the water park at Suncrest park in June. More notice will be given beforehand to prepare your child for these days.

Toys and other personal belongings from home:

A reminder to please leave toys, books and other gadgets at home. This message was sent home at the beginning of the school year. We have lots to explore and play at school and often when things are brought to school they get misplaced throughout the day.

Thank you and lets have a great last month together!

Ms. Toor


Saleema Noon Body Science (Friday June 3 @ 9am)

Good afternoon families,

This Friday (June 3) is our day for the Saleema Noon Body Science Presentation. We will have the presenter from Saleema Noon who is an expert on body health come to our school to do a presentation for students.  Grade 1 students from Div. 11 and 12 will have their presentation on June 3 from 9:00am to 9:30am.

Please ensure your child arrives at school on time to prevent disruptions during the presentation (first bell is at 8:50am). If you would not like your child to participate in this presentation please keep them at home until the presentation period is over. 

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Spirit Day Tomorrow (Thursday May 26)

Good morning families!

Tomorrow is our next spirit day to earn points for our house team!

Tomorrow is Monochrome day- Find one colour and have different tones of that colour (doesn’t have to be team colour).

For example you can wear different shades of blue (t-shirt, pants, socks, shoes, hats etc.)

Each student who wears all of one colour will earn 10 points for their house team!

We will write this in our planners today!

Thank you,

Ms. Toor


Wear Red for Jump Rope for Heart

Good afternoon families!

Tomorrow please wear red tomorrow for Jump Rope for heart!

All students that wear red will earn 10 points for their house team colour.

We will also write this message in our planners today.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Jump Rope for Heart Fundraising and upcoming dates

Good afternoon Division 12 families,

Here is some information on Jump Rope for Heart and upcoming dates to  note.

Jump Rope for Heart

Jump Rope for Heart at Suncrest is on Thursday May 19. For access to fundraising please visit the following website that Mr. LaPlante shared on our school website with families. Fundraising ends Thursday!

Jump Rope Suncrest Website

Pro-D-Day – Friday May 20

No school for students on Friday as teachers take part in workshops and learning.

Victoria Day – Monday May 23

No school on Monday.

Library – Tuesday May 24

After the long weekend we have Library. If you are finished with your books before the long weekend feel free to bring them in early.

Class Photos- Friday May 27

Class photos will be held on Friday May 27.

Thank you and enjoy the long weekend!

Ms. Toor


First Theme Day Friday May 13 (tomorrow)

Good afternoon families!

Tomorrow is ACCESSORIZE DAY! Our first theme day to earn points for sports day!

Accessories can be; Sunglasses, Hats, scarves, masks, jewelry, bags, purses, fanny packs, headbands, etc… as well as any colour! 

Students who participate and wear an accessory will get 10 points for their house team colour.  (House Teams have been shared on Freshgrade and have been shared with the students in class).

We will also write a reminder in our planners.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor