
Good morning Division 11 Families!

Our online reading program Raz-Kids is now set up!

Your child’s username and password will be in their planner either in the notice pocket or written under todays date.

I have already added in your emails under your child’s account (the primary email I have on file).

My username is ctoor0 as you will need it to log onto the account.

The website to sign onto is https://www.raz-kids.com/

I am very excited to begin this program and I look forward to seeing your children develop their literacy skills.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor


Planners and Words of the Week

Hi Division 11 Families!

As I was away last week planners have been handed out for our class today. Your child’s planner will be sent home each day with important messages and we ask that your child brings their planner to school everyday as we will use it as another communication tool.

Each night please check your child’s planner under the date for the message, messages from me and the front pouch for notices and/ or things to practice at home. Please sign/ initial in your child’s planner under the date. You can also use the space underneath as a communication tool with me as I check each child’s planner each day.

Each week students will write 5 or 6 words in their planners (located under the weekly list). Please have your child practice writing sentences and reading them. This is important to help develop their vocabulary as they are common words they will see in reading. You can play games with the words, for example using cue cards or whiteboards to help make this fun and engaging.

Thank you for everything you all do as part of our learning community,

Ms. Toor

Upcoming October Dates

Hello Families of Division 11,

Here are some important dates coming soon:

  • October 12 is Thanksgiving and schools will be closed
  • October 21 is individual photos for students
  • October 23 is a Pro D Day (no school for students)

Enjoy a restful long weekend with your families and see everyone on Tuesday!

Ms. Toor

Primary Masks

Hi Division 11 Families!

Today our class received our masks. Each child has been given two masks and they are in your child’s backpack.

Please continue checking the blog for news and updates as we are still waiting on the order for planners.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor

Upcoming Events and Library Update

Hi Division 11 Families!

Here are some upcoming events and news about Library.

Orange Shirt Day (Wed. Sept 30)

Tomorrow is Orange Shirt Day. We are encouraging all students and staff to wear orange to show that all children matter.  Please come to school wearing an orange shirt or any other article of orange clothing you may have at home. If you do not have anything orange that is okay, we can make something together in our classroom. We have already started talking about what Orange Shirt Day is and we will continue the conversation tomorrow.

Terry Fox Run

Friday is our Terry Fox Run. We will be running with our learning group (both Kindergarten classes) in the afternoon.  If you would like to contribute to our fundraising efforts, you may do so through the following link:  http://www.terryfox.ca/SuncrestElementary 


Our Librarian, Ms. Ho, has brought bins into our classroom with books to borrow and will continue to swap them with new books each week. Each student can take books home starting tomorrow. We will be using an honour system at our school which means if your child brings 1-3 books home please bring them back when they are done reading them and they will go into the return bin.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor




Parents as Partners Conversations

Hi Division 11 Families!

Thank you to those who have already chosen a time on Wednesday Sept. 30 and Thursday Oct. 1 for our Parents as Partners Conversations. If you have not signed up for a time there are times still available for you to select.

On both those days students will be dismissed at 2pm.

The meetings will be 10 minutes long and will give us time to talk about your child as well as time to get to know each other.

Please come prepared to answer the following questions about your child as we only have a quick 10 minutes together:

  • Interests/ hobbies
  • Strengths
  • Stretches (things you hope your child will develop/ learn)
  • Goals for the school year (academic goal)
  • One wish for your child (does not have to be academic)

Please have a listen to the story below. After listening to the story please come to the meeting with one wish you have for your child this year. The wish can be academic, social or anything you hope for them this school year.

After reading this story my wish for your children is that they enjoy coming to school each day. Your children have also selected a wish they have for this school year that I will share with you during our meeting.

Thank you and I look forward to meeting you over Teams,

Ms. Toor


Fresh Grade

Good Afternoon Division 11 Families!

Today you will be getting an email for Fresh Grade. It is an app that we will be using as a class to share learning with you as this school year is a little bit different. The email you will receive will have a link to your child’s account. I will post pictures to the app to share with you of your child’s learning throughout the school year.

Please create a parent account through the link so that you will be able to make comments and add pictures as your children are very excited to share their learning with you.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor





Outdoor Classroom

Hi Division 11 Families!

We are in our second week of school together and there are a few things your child will need each day (Rain or Shine) to participate in our outdoor learning environment . . .

  • Waterproof Jacket
  • Rain Boots
  • Spare Socks and Change of Clothes (can stay in your child’s cubby)
  • Indoor Shoes
  • Waterproof Pants

Each day we will spend time in our outdoor environment for around 30-60 mins on school grounds and next door at Suncrest Park. The following items on the list will support your child’s exploration outdoors.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor


June 22-24

Good morning Division 11!

This is our last week of school! Congratulations on all your flexility , hard work and resilience during our unusual school year! This year would not be possible without all of you and your amazing families! We made it! 🙂

This week (Mon, Tues and Wed) we are going to end the year focusing on literacy and your stores.

You can continue with your stores this week!

  1. Change the value of your objects
  2. Change your objects/ store or restaurant theme
  3. Reverse roles with your family members and purchase from them

Please remember your pick up dates and times for your materials and report cards. If you have not let me know when you are coming please email me 🙂

Monday June 22

  1. Langauge Arts: Silly Sentence Starters

In your journal describe the fun you would have with a bug that likes to sing.

2. Reading Bingo

Tuesday June 23

  1. Language Arts: Personal Write 

Write in your journal about three things you would like to experience or hope to do this summer.

2. Reading Bingo

Wednesday June 24

Today is the last day of online learning for this school year! WOOOOO! 🙂 Wishing you a wonderful summer and looking forward to seeing all of you in September!

  1. Language Arts: Personal Write

Option 1: Write in your journal about something you are proud of (accomplishing or learning) this school year.

Option 2: Write your favourite memory from this school year.

2. Reading Bingo

Thank you and have an amazing summer break! Can’t wait to see all of you in September!

Ms. Toor

June 15- 19

Good morning everyone!

This week is our last full week of school! Excited to see all of you online this Friday June 19 @10am on Zoom for our last classroom meeting celebration. Remember to bring a snack and lets have some fun celebrating this school year!

A special holiday is coming up this weekend. Attached is the secret document. P.S. Dads do not open please 🙂

Secret Father’s Day Attachment

Monday June 15

  1. Language Arts: Silly Sentence Starters

In your journal write three interesting sentences about a puppy that causes lots of trouble.

2. Mathematics: Financial Literacy

Please explain your thinking for each question and post to Freshgrade

If you need help draw a picture for each item and put one dollar under each image until all the money is gone

Look at how much each item would cost and think about the best deal

  • Would you rather buy…?   5 games for $10 or 4 games for $8
  • Would you rather buy…?   5 toys for $15 or 4 toys for $12

3. Science: Plant Life Cycle

3a). Watch the Video

3b). Complete the cycle below or create your own cycle of a plant using loose parts,








4.  Reading Bingo:

Tuesday June 16

  1. Outdoor Classroom: Sound Walk Tuesday

Go for a walk. Find a spot and close your eyes. Document a sound you hear. Write and Draw a picture of what you heard (can be living or non-living) on a piece of paper or in your journal. Post to Freshgrade.

2. Mathematics: Financial Literacy 

As we no longer have pennies in our currency. Practice rounding up or down with numbers below.

  • Amounts ending in 1 cents and 2 cents are rounded down to the nearest 10 cents
  • Amounts ending in 3 cents and 4 cents are rounded up to the nearest 5 cents
  • Amounts ending in 6 cents and 7 cents are rounded down to the nearest 5 cents
  • Amounts ending in 8 cents and 9 cents are rounded up to the nearest 10 cents
  • Amounts ending in 0 cent and 5 cents remain unchanged


  • $5.76 would round up to $5.75
  • 18 cents would round down to 20cents

What value would you round these numbers to? Would you round them up or down?

  • 17 cents
  • $1.14
  • 99 cents
  • $3.12
  • $4. 36

3. Science: Plant Life Cycle 

3a). Watch the video

3b). Complete the activity below FreebiePlantUnitNeedsCanHaveAreChart

4. Reading Bingo:

Wednesday June 17

  1. Langauge Arts: Silly Sentence Starters

In your Journal Write 3 questions you would ask a monster that is always crabby.

2. Mathematics: Financial Literacy

Option 1: Create a store.  In your home go find 5-10 objects that follow a theme for a store (for example toys, food, candy, toiletries, kitchen supplies/ utensils, stuffies and / or school supplies).


Option 2: Create a restaurant with your family and use what you create (with food, paper or anything ADST related).

Build your restaurant/ store out of a blanket fort, cardboard or with your imagination (the possibilities are endless).

For option 1: Give those objects value by giving it a tag that includes the price of that object. Your child can create a tag to go on their selected object or can create a list similar to the image below.

Have your child select their value of the object based on their own level of skill. For example starting off with whole numbers or if you feel your child’s level of skip counting has developed to use numbers such as $5.25, $4.15 etc.

For option 2: Build a menu and give your meals/ food items prices

We will be using these objects and values for the next two activities on Thursday and Friday.

Reading Bingo:

Thursday June 18

  1. Think Outside the Box Thursday: Use the image below and create something unique. Remember it is not a part of a mountain range ! Print out the picture or copy it on your own paper. Can’t wait to see what you come up with this week! Post to FreshGrade.








2. Language Arts: Silly Sentence Starters

In your journal write about a toy that wants to be a person.

3. Mathematics: Financial Literacy 

Using values created the day before (from the selected objects) practice exchanging money, skip counting, addition and subtraction to prepare for opening your store with your family.

Reading Bingo:

Friday June 19

Zoom Meeting @10am (same link as always)

  1. Language Arts: Silly Sentence Starters

In your journal describe what it would be like to live next door to a pet that is full of energy.

2. Mathematics: Financial Literacy 

Open up your store to your family members.

This activity will help you practice your skills such as exchanging money, skip counting, addition and subtraction.

3. Reading Bingo:

Thank you,

Ms. Toor