Extra clothes, indoor shoes, payment for field trip & student-led notice

Good afternoon families,

Here are a few reminders.

Extra clothes and indoor shoes:

If your child hasn’t brought their indoor shoes or extra clothes for this term, please bring some this week as during the spring we will have some rainy days.  Please label all clothing as students wear similar sizes and forget what belongs to them if they do not wear the clothing often.

Payment for Burnaby Village Museum:

Thank you to those that have already submitted payments and signed permission forms. Ms. Boleak has kept the payment open for a few more days. If we haven’t received your permission forms or payments, we will need it this week.

Student-Led Conferences/ Notice

Our student-led form will be coming home today. Student- Led conferences will be run by your child on Thursday April 18th from 2:15-7:00pm. Please select a time slot or slots that work best for you. Forms are due Friday April 12th. The students are excited to share with you their portfolio, photos/ video of us learning, show you around the school and lead you through some stations.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor