Suncrest Pumpkin Patch (Please bring a bag)

Good afternoon families!

It has been an exciting fun filled week! Tomorrow is our Pumpkin Patch day at Suncrest.

Division 12 will be enjoying hot chocolate and the pumpkin patch at 11:15am along with Division 11.

Please pack a bag for your child to bring their pumpkin home. We recommend a reusable bag as they are often more durable than plastic. If you have time tonight please label your child’s bag with their name and division number.

Excited to share some photos of what the class has been up to! Here are some from our pumpkin science inquiry the last couple weeks!















Thank you,

Ms. Toor

P.S. There will be a fun activity for you to complete as a family with the pumpkin your child brings home. It will be in the planner pocket tomorrow.