April Updates and Calendar

Good afternoon Division 12 families!

I am back to work after a few days off! Sorry for the delay regarding the calendar and monthly updates.

Classroom/ School Painting

Our classroom is next to be painted in the school. We are not sure which day they will begin but it could be at the end of this week or the beginning of next week. During the painting, we will be using Ms. Kal’s classroom which is right next to ours. I will send a blog post when we will be moving there as pick up and drop off will be there too. Please see the map if you are unsure which is Ms. Kal’s classroom.

Outdoor Classroom

Please dress for the weather each day …(ex. Rain coats, ball caps/ hats if its sunny etc.) If you have not brought back your spare change of clothes for the cubbies please bring them back as soon as you can. Please label all clothing as best you can as many students are around the same size and have similar gear.

Fun Lunch

Please continue bringing a plastic bag for garbage on fun lunch days.

Days Off this Month

Friday April 15- Good Friday (No school)

Monday April 18- Easter Monday (No school)

Monday April 25- Pro-D-Day (No school for students)


I will send a copy home this week as well in your child’s planner.

Thank you,

Ms. Toor