Message to Division 11 Families

Hello Families of Division 11,

At this point we have no reason to expect a school or system wide change, but Fraser Health has been asking more whole classes to self-isolate in the last month when there have been exposures.

In the event that our class is asked to self-isolate and switch to online learning, I will be using email as the primary form of communication to schedule check ins and virtual meetings, however for urgent communication needs, please be aware that any phone calls made by me will appear as a private caller. 

To access assignments I will have them posted on our class blog which is or it can also be accessed through the Suncrest website under the Staff tab. Completed assignments can be posted on Freshgrade for me to review and comment on. It is encouraged that families be familiar with accessing all the programs mentioned above as well as Raz-kids so that any necessary transitions to online learning can be made smoothly. 

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding during these uncertain times,

Chanel Toor