Wellness – Division 10's Learning Adventure


There are so many things we can do to stay healthy and happy. Here are some ideas for you. 


Look to have a bit of quiet time each day. You can draw, read, write a story, listen to music or sit quietly and have some thinking time.

Find a place in your home where you can go each day. It can be your  your bedroom, a quiet room or corner that you like.



Gratitude means to feel grateful for things and people in our every day life. Feeling grateful helps us to feel happy inside. Keeping a gratitude jar is fun! Find a jar and decorate it however you would like. Then every day write on a small piece of paper one thing you are thankful for from your day. At the end of the month sit with your family and read all the nice things you wrote. It could be – time in the sunshine, having a yummy dinner, watching your favourite show, riding your bike, building with your legos…so many great things to be thankful for

( photo credit and activity from Merry Cherry Art Studio )



Focusing on our breath for can make us feel nice and calm. It helps us to learn and focus better. Try this ‘box breathing’, it’s similar to our chime time we did in class.  Once you’ve watched the video you will be able to do it on your own. Try doing this a few times in your day, just like we do in school after recess and lunch with the chime. Click on the image and the video will play.

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