In My Garden – Division 10's Learning Adventure

In My Garden

Our Delightful ‘Daffy’ Daffodils

In October, we planted bulbs in Buckingham school gardens. Do you remember? All winter the bulbs have been in the soil just sleeping. They grow roots and then in the spring the bulb sends up green shoots and beautiful flowers. 

Here is a poem that reminds me about the flowers we planted. 

Has come to town  
With a yellow petticoat  
And a pretty green gown

By Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) 


Check out your wonderful Daffodils. These are the bulbs I planted in some pots at school. The bulbs we planted in our bins and in the soil on the school grounds are blooming too. Did the bulb, you took home at ‘Winter Break’, grow?  If not, why do you think it did not grow? Do you have any flowers at your house or that you can see from your house or on a walk? What do you think the flowers needed to grow?   (hint – You know this, think about it and give it a try. It’s okay to make mistakes or not have the answer. You can always ask or go find the answer … All living things need 4 things to live and grow).

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