Spirit Day

See, I told you – no act is too small! What do I mean? Well, a student from North Surrey Secondary felt that enough was enough – she was tired of seeing people within the LBTQ+ communities face. Brittany McMillan felt that more awareness needed to be brought about to this issue. So, on October 10, 2010, she announced a campaign of wearing purple to support those who have encountered homophobia. This movement was such a success that another larger anti-homophobia campaign called, GLAAD, contacted her to get involved.

Enough of me, hear it from Brittany here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9NeKoHN0R8

So why is it called Spirit Day? On the Pride Flag (also called the Rainbow Flag) – each colour represents its’ own theme. Purple represents spirit.

Let’s discuss a couple of important terms:

Homophobia is defined as the irrational fear, distrust, dislike or even hatred of people who are a part of the LGBTQ members.

An Ally is defined as who is not a part of the LGBTQ+ community but supports the fight for equal rights and stopping prejudices like homophobia.

Without me saying too much – let’s discuss some of your ideas. Please respond to the following questions below using detailed sentences.

  1. Why is it important to start campaigns and/or plan days to spread awareness on important issues? (6 sentences)
  2. What do you think are 3 possible reasons of why people bully others – think of various issues, not just a school setting. (6 sentences) Daniel Levy, a popular Canadian actor had this to say about bullying: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOqSWKLjXUw
  3. Why is it important to be an upstander or an ally? (5-8 sentences)

Spread the word about #SpiritDay! | GLAADSpiritDay | Adsystech Inc.

18 thoughts on “Spirit Day

  1. jessica62 says:

    1. I believe that it’s important to start campaigns and spread awareness because this world is not perfect, sometimes it’s not fair. By going out there and doing things and spreading awareness, you are helping others. One little step, you can help accomplish so many things, just like if you plant one seed, a tall tree can continue to grow. The world might not be perfect, but if you can bring a little bit of awareness, things can change. By starting one social movement or campaign, you can save lives, you can save futures. And it makes you happy too. When go to sleep at night, you know, because of what you did one other person can fall asleep safely.
    2. I think some people bully others because the want to feel powerful. They want to be at the top. (Trust me, the top is a lonely place.) Sometimes bullying others makes them scared, and they do what the bully says. Sometimes people bully because they feel insecure about them selves. They shoot others down so they can feel good about them selves. Seing the person suffer make you happy that you don’t have the problem. Sometimes people bully because them want to see the way you react.
    3. Being an up-stander allows you to contribute to the community. You are help yourself and others. Like I said the world is not fair. But one little voice, action can change a community, a country, a world. By being an up-stander you are making sure that you have a better future, someone else has a better future. And being an up-stander doesn’t just mean starting movements or campaigns. You can help a person out when they are being bullied and you are being an up-stander. You have just made someone’s day better. You just helped them be them selves. Life feels a lot better when you are an up-stander and not a bully. I admit I wasn’t the nicest person before, but for the past year I have started try to be an up-stander. And I’ll tell you from experience, life is great. Helps someone out. Be an up-stander. When some asks a person who has been an up-stander in their life, I hope someone will say you.

  2. monica8 says:

    There are many ways to spread awareness, just two of them are planning days and starting campaigns. Why are they important? A campaign is an act of action to reach a goal. A lot of the time you hear of the word “campaign” is in politics where a party shares their goals to receive votes. That yet is not the only place you will hear campaigns. Lots of different organizations will have campaigns. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an annual campaign. Having such an event encourages people to donate to breast cancer and shows support. People not only use campaigns to show and spread awareness, but they plan days. Days such as World Food Safety Day on June 7, and World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10. These strategies are important to show awareness of crucial issues.

    Many young people get bullied for many reasons, even the simplest. There are three main reasons that are the reasons people get bullied. Actions, the way a person acts can not only attract but can also trigger. Those with disabilities are a target of many bullies. Bullies find it unnatural to see a person act in different ways. Some people suffer from Tourette Syndrome. Where they cannot control their bodies. Not only do kids in school get bullied for this but even adults. May it be in the workplace or at your average restaurant. Weird stares to even harsh words. A second possibility would be appearance. The way someone looks can attract bullies. Whether skin colour, the way you look, the way you dress, there will always be someone who dislikes that. As a POC (person of colour) and many of my other friends have received racism. Although it could be once, bullies are those who choose to go after a person on repeat. Some people have different body shapes or skin textures. Words such as “fat,” “skinny,” “weird” can affect one’s mental health, causing insecurities. Even the way you dress gets targeted, in public many people look down on those dressing styles. “Oh, you’re showing too much skin!” “Look at her she looks emo.” “Embarrassing.” One mean statement can lead to many more. Finally, personal reasons. Sometimes there isn’t a clear reason why you get bullied. It could be that you aren’t compatible with your workforce or that you are too shy when it comes to reading out loud. Personal grudges can lead to horrible bullying as well. “That person keeps bumping into me in the hallway. I hate them.” By using the word “hate” bullies come up with reasons so that it’s valid to bully a person. Every person is unique, and it isn’t up to anyone to decide whether you think it’s okay or not.

    Most people are shy to be an upstander or an ally, but why should you be an upstander or an ally? It is hard to speak out on equal rights or hate crime, but it is still important that you help. 1 in 4 transgender students experiences physical harassment at school because of their gender expression. Being an upstander or ally would be calling someone out for that. If you did not say a word when seeing one get bullied, you can do better. Yet if you stood there laughing or participating in the act you are not being an ally nor a good person. 53.1% of LGBT students of colour feel unsafe at school because of their sexual orientation. Being an upstander doesn’t mean you have to walk right into the fight to help the other. You can be a witness or ask for help from an adult. Being an ally doesn’t mean you have to join protests or write a speech. Posting about LGBT rights on social media can show support as well. An upstander does not do anything in response or tells one to ignore it. An upstander is a person who speaks or acts in support of an individual or cause. Being an ally can encourage and boost an LGBT member’s mental health as well. Showing them love and support for whatever reason. Being an ally is using the preferred pronouns and respecting one’s sexual orientation. There are many ways one can be an ally and an upstander. Are you one?

  3. alena2 says:

    I think it is important to spread awareness about issues like bullying, discrimination, etc because a lot of people experience these things, but are too shy to speak up. Bullying, discrimination, etc are not appropriate to do, or experience in everyday life. It is not ok to let someone bully you or others. There is no real reason to bully someone. It isn’t a laughing matter either. It is important to speak up, have campaigns, and be up against bullying, to support others. You should always help others, and always think before you act. It is also very important not to ignore those acts of bullying, discrimination, etc. if you ignore, or do nothing about it, sometime the bullying might affect you, and not a lot of people will want to help you.
    I think that some possible reasons of why people bully others are sometimes quite different. Sometimes, people feel threatened, insecure, or maybe they are afraid of another person being better than them. So, they try to silence the person, or they are trying to show them “who’s boss” or something. I don’t think it is a valuable reason to bully someone, not that there is a valuable one, but some people don’t understand that. Another, reason might be that they think it is fun, and they don’t have anything else to do with their lives, or something like that. Some people are just cold-hearted, and they don’t put themselves in the other person’s shoes, and maybe they totally don’t think before they act, or something like that. Some other people bully others because the bullies aren’t inclusive. They think they are “the best”, and that it doesn’t matter if someone gets hurt by what they say. It is all very sad, and scary, if you think about someone bullying you. I would never bully someone, even if my friends, or peers did so, or even if I was threatened to do so.
    I think it is very important to upstand an ally, because well, why would an ally be such a person? If they don’t like anybody who’s part of the LGBTQ+ members, so what? They shouldn’t bully, or discriminate any people who are a part of the LGBTQ+ members. It is very cold-hearted, and immature. Why would you bully someone because of them being unique? You don’t have to hide your personality, because of some other people’s interests, or whatever. If the people who bully others think that they’re cool, they really need to oversee their priorities. It is very also very important to upstand an ally because, allies are people you don’t want to be around with. They might be a bad influence on you. If you friends are allies, you might want to consider making new friends. If you don’t upstand an ally, then some innocent people, who are just being themselves would be getting mentally hurt, and discouraged.

  4. brandon38 says:

    I believe that it is important to start campaigns and plan days for awareness on important issues like racism, sexism, and homophobia because many people are facing the struggles of these issues but today I am going to talk about homophobia, what being an ally is, and why people within the LGBTQ+ community are being discriminated. Many people within the LGBTQ+ community face the struggles of having different identities and are irrationally bullied and mistreated all because they are different from others, the reason why discrimination, bullying and harassment are all happening is that people are different from each other. It is important to spread awareness about this because people are suffering from this, lives are being taken, and many people have to be scared about being themselves. However, days like Pride Day allow people to be themselves and to not have fear to show their true identities and beliefs. Spreading awareness about days like this can lead to a huge influx of allies supporting the community and people coming out feeling safe for themselves.

    People have always been discriminated against in the LGBTQ+ community because people are irrationally bullying and discriminating out of fear, uncomfortableness, and hatred. Another reason may be caused by bias-related violence against those in the community for having different identities than those who want them to have different identities. The last reason that I have seen a lot is mistrust and negative attitudes/beliefs against those in the community because there are religions that believe that being LGBTQ+ is a sin, which in my opinion and many others, is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS, people should have the right to choose an identity that fits them and their beliefs, without being discriminated and harassed.

    Last but not least, I believe that being an upstander/ally is very important when it comes to campaigns and awareness days like this is because being an upstander shows that you are in the community and show that you want to support the community and go above and beyond to secure a safe spot in society without being discriminated against and harassed. Being an ally means that you are not part of the LGBTQ+ community but you support those within the community and that you are against people harassing, bullying, and discriminating against those within the community.
    It is important to be an ally because although you may not know how those in the community feel, you can still support them and show your respect for their feelings by not allowing them to be bullied and harassed, and doing what you can to bring awareness to the subject. Being an upstander is also extremely important too because it shows that you want to fight for equal rights and become a figure of respect and a hero in your community that has gone above and beyond to fight for equal rights and against discrimination. This is the conclusion to my statement, thank you for reading and have a great day!

  5. kristie2 says:

    It is important to raise awareness and campaign for important issues because they may affect the lives of people. It also leads to an increase in knowledge regarding the issue. It leads to changing the existing attitudes of people in a better way. If awareness is not raised, then the problematic issues will go unnoticed. Generating awareness makes people more educated and gives them a better understanding of injustices this is happening around the world. These awareness campaigns can encourage the community members to take an action. One of the reasons is that a person might be going through a stressful time in their life. They may take out their frustrations on another person by bullying them. Another reason can be that a bully might have low self-esteem. This can cause them to bully other people instead of working on their own self-esteem. Lastly, I think if people are bullied then they can go on to bullying others. If it happens to them, the victim, in turn, adopts the role of the bully. It is important to be an ally to the LGBTQ+ community so we can clear an inclusive environment for them. By showing them support, we can help end the marginalization of the members of this community. It will help others understand the importance of being equal, fair, and giving mutual respect. Since, the members of the LGBTQ+ community are also members of this society being a friend to them at home, school, church, or work is important. Being an ally is effective and we hold power in our voices to help them be accepted as members of the society.

  6. icheng1 says:

    1. It is important to start campaigns or plan days to spread awareness of important issues is because if we spread awareness, we can stop bullying like people wear purple and let some kids not get bullied and make their day feel better. It is important to do campaigns because then more people will know about sprit day and its meaning like for example someone is looking at YouTube and they saw an advertisement about spirt day and they are curious about what it is, so they press on the link and then see spirt day on the website and read it and maybe it says that people are getting bullied , so they decided they are going to support this day by wearing purple, so that why starting a campaign is a very important good idea that they start campaigns. It is important to spread awareness is because that more people can see what is going on and know more about the meaning of sprit day, because there is a person that do not then someone tell they the meaning and then it gets on spreading until everyone know, so it is especially important to spread awareness about sprit day. It is important to let people know about special issues is because someone in the world can help with them like your mom, dad, teacher etc. So, I feel like that tell people about the thing can help the thing that you are going through like someone is bullying you, so you can tell someone the thing so they can help with the thing that you are Delling with, so that why it is important to tell the issues about things. It is important to celebrate this day is because that you can support people that are getting bullied. This is something I think about, starting campaigns or planning days to spread awareness of important issues.

    2. The first reason that people are bullying other people is that they think it is funny. When a person that is getting bullied doesn’t think it is funny, maybe the person is hitting the other person while they like it is cool to bully, but the person doesn’t like it. I think it is the most common reason that they are bullying other people. The second reason is that maybe that people bully is because of the persons skin or culture or where they come from, like the person is black, so they will just say hurting words. I think this is the second reason most posable reason that people are getting bullied. The third reason that people are getting bullied is maybe the bully is jealous like maybe the person has something. The bully does not have the thing, so they are bully the person, so this is the third reason that people are getting bullied, so is the reason that people are getting bullied.

    3.It is important to be an upstander because if you stand up for someone it is possible to stop the bulling like when the person says stop but the person does not stop, so more people stand up than the higher chance to stop bullying. The second reason it is important to be an upstander is because if everyone is an upstander then the world will be in peace like there is going to be no more bullying in the world like when every someone bullies, we can stop that. Third reason is that it is better to be an upstander than a bystander is because upstanders can help the people getting bullied, but bystander you just stand there and do nothing, so it is better to do something, so it is more important to be an upstander. The fourth reason is that if you be a upstander then people will think that you are a very nice and brave person that stands up for people. The fifth reason is that if you are a bystander people will think that you are scared, and when you get bulled, then other people will not help you because they might think about how you treat me than how I treat you.

  7. shanvi1 says:

    It is important to start campaigns and/or plan days, because they spread awareness. By spreading awareness, you are making people conscious about something. This is important, because people should know about important issues in their community, country, or even the world. When they find out about the issues, their attitudes, behaviours, and beliefs may change. Also, by knowing about some problem, people may try to help the victims or stand up for them. All of us are equally responsible for protecting or treating the environment and its organisms. Hence, public awareness needs to be created, and campaigns and/or plan days to spread awareness are important.

    Some people may bully people because of stress and trauma. Examples include their parents/guardians splitting up, the death of a relative, or the gaining of a little brother or sister. To relieve stress, some of us use good or nice behaviours, such as meditation, exercise and talking therapy. Others use bad or mean behaviours such as bullying and violence. Bad behaviours only temporarily mask the issues but usually make them worse later. Another reason is something that’s troubling them, but they keep to themselves. For example, someone may have lost a very close friend, but didn’t get to talk to anyone about it. For some, it’s encouraged that they speak up about issues that affect them. For others, it’s discouraged. So they start to respond with aggressive behaviours, such as bullying, as a way of dealing with issues that affect them. One more reason why people bully others, is that they have been bullied before already. Research shows that those who have been bullied are twice as likely to bully others. Finally, people that feel like their parents or family don’t have enough time to spend with them might bully others too. These are probably feelings of rejection from the people who should love them no matter what.

    It’s important to be an upstander or ally because research shows that when someone steps in and stands up to bullying behaviour, it’s likely to stop right away. If you are nervous or scared, you shouldn’t be. Most likely, by seeing someone else stand up to bullying, people will get encouraged to join them. This way, the bully will probably stop. Also, the person being bullied might have feelings of confusion, rejection, stress, fear, shame or embarrassment. Sometimes, bullying can even cause anxiety, depression or physical illness. No one deserves to be treated that way. Also, helping the victim might make you feel proud or brave. The victim might also feel included or happy. As you can see, being an upstander is really important.

  8. vadym1 says:

    In my personal opinion it is important to start campaigns for something that you believe is an actual problem and you’re not just doing it for the sake of attention. If you really believe that there is a real problem that needs to be addressed, go ahead. Start a campaign and spread the word. Though, I believe there is a problem with dedicating entire days to a specific cause. If we keep up at this rate, in a very short span of time, every single day of our lives will be dedicated to something and having a regular day will become a rarity. What we have right now is great! People are protesting against things unjust so that, as a result, we can have a more equal and accepting society. Brittney McMillan is an influence to many people around the globe. She has mustered up enough courage to speak about something that was a legitimate problem and for that, she has my respect.

    Spirit day is all about standing up against bullying and anti LGBT hate. Bullying occurs when people feel weak and have a problem in their life or are angry at something that has recently happened so they take out their emotions on others. People can also be bullied for their sexuality, religion, or cultural beliefs. This could be something like “haha funny accent” or just something straight out rude and/or offensive. The third reason why an individual might bully another person would just be out of hatred. This could be something as simple as just strongly disliking a person for something they did a million years ago. It should also be worth noting that bullying is a repetitive act or acts of hatred targeted at a single person or a group of individuals.

    It is important to be an ally in these situations for a multitude of reasons. An ally is a person who stands up for other people who themselves do not have the same traits as the person being bullied so they don’t get bullied themselves. An example of this would be you, someone who is heterosexual and a friend of yours who is gay. If they are getting picked on because of their sexuality and you stand up for them, you are an ally. It is important to be an ally because there are people who get picked on an absurd amount of times. If no one ever stands up for the person who is getting bullied, they will keep getting abused again and again. By standing up for a victim of bullying, you are not only making their life easier but now you can rest assured knowing that the person you stood up for is now having a much better time.

  9. andrew48 says:

    I think it would be important to start campaigns or plan days to spread awareness on important issues because by doing so we can raise awareness about spirit day and anti bullying. It is so that more people can know about spirit day and can wear purple on spirit day to show their support. It is to show our support to those who are part of the LGBTQ+ community who are willing to stand up against bullying and can make even one person feel better about themselves. It is important that other people know so that someone will be able to help you with your problem such as parents, teachers, friends, family etc. There are no reasons to bully or discriminate others and if you ignore it then it may affect you as well is some way. By showing awareness of something there may be someone who can feel safer in their environment.
    Some people may bully others is because they feel fear or insecurity. Instead of trying to fix they’re own problem they bully others from the stress. They come after you because they feel that you have something that they don’t. And for that reason, they would come after you and bully you because of that instead of working to have that trait that they want. I don’t think that there is a good reason to bully somebody else, but people still do it, and it may just be because they think its fun and/or funny and don’t have anything else to do but it isn’t the same for the person that they’re bullying. One other reason is that they have also been bullied before and they are affected by that, so they want to have others feel what they have already gone through.
    it is important to be an upstander/ally because by doing so, on days when it comes to campaigns and awareness days, it shows that you want to show your support to they’re community. Also, if you stand up for someone who is getting bullied then they would have a lesser chance of getting bullied by the same person again and the bully may stop doing so. By being an upstander there could be less bullies and more people standing up to them but just by standing there and doing nothing and being a bystander either nothing will happen, or things will only get worst. And if you do nothing and just stand there then if you get bullied then people may not help you because that’s what you did, and they will think that you’re not a very nice person and will think why they should help you if you didn’t do anything before. But it isn’t always about standing up for others but you can also be there to support them and help them when needed.

  10. lawrence7 says:

    I believe starting campaigns is particularly important because the point of it is to stop the spread of something like Homophobias’ around the world. We celebrate purple shirt day because we can raise awareness about spirit day and anti-bullying. Now, few people know about purple shirt day, but if we rise together, increased people will start wearing purple shirts to show their support for the LGBTQ+ community. The LGBTQ+ community who are willing to stand up against bullying and can make everyone in the world feel equalized. I don’t really get the point of racism of skin color around the world. Just because the other person’s skin color is different than yours, doesn’t mean they’re not human. There are no reasons to bully or discriminate against others and if you ignore it then it may affect you as well in some way. By showing awareness of something, people will feel safer and not alone in their environment and in the world.

    As you might know, there are bullies in high school. But they may not be bullying people for fun, maybe it’s because they bully them according to their skin color or culture (racism). On May 25, 2020, the United States of America announced the death of George Floyd (A black man). After a convenience store employee called 911 and told the police that Mr. Floyd had bought cigarettes with a counterfeit $20 bill. During the arrest, the police officer tortured George Floyd by putting his knee on George Floyds neck, leading to when George could not breathe and choked to death. This racist atrocity shocked the whole country and protests appeared everywhere, on the streets, in towns, everywhere. Even white people are in the protest too, not just black people. When I heard about this horrible news, I was shocked. I imagined myself being George Floyd just before he died. The torture, the horrible Police Officer, just imagine when you get choked and could not breathe, that feeling is horrible. I couldn’t protest at that time. Since North America (mainly in Canada and USA), all knew about this, there must be protesters on the internet as well. So, I decided to protest with them.

    In my opinion, being an ally or an upstander is extremely important because it’s when we stand up for the LGBTQ+ community. In the 1860’s, during the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln stood up against his opponent and was determined to crush the slavery states. At the end, he did succeed, but soon got assassinated. We shall not let all that effort he put into this slavery/racist atrocity all for nothing, so supporting the LGBTQ+ community is the best way to show respect and stop the anti-bullying, to make everyone equal. Me personally, I am a mostly neutral person, but still supports the LGBTQ+ community. Have you ever heard of people who said: “sometimes, don’t always think for yourself.”? People who are selfish are not going to be a great ally, because they always think for themselves. When other people suffer life-threatening injuries due to bullying, the selfishness are just going to say: “I wasn’t the one who got bullied, why should I care?” My message to everyone is that everyone deserves the right to be treated equally.

  11. damian4 says:

    1. It is important to spread awareness or important issues is because you have to prepare for what’s coming up or that’s already here. You never know what is going to happen like a storm is coming, or other natural disasters or a pandemic you just never know. Sometimes you know it but others don’t know you can help them. Sometimes it’s bullying you can tell everyone you know about how you feel. Sometimes it’s cyberbullying you can also share it on social media. There are many bad things related to bullying like sexist or racist slurs you can also share those with your trusted ones.
    2. In my opinion why people bully others is because the bully had a bad day, they wanted to do it for fun, and maybe dislike the victim they are attacking and etc. About cyberbullying is pretty much the same thing as the last one but with more things about the bully like they have more confidence since the victim doesn’t really know who is the attacker as well as having more ways to hurt them like spreading lies and more. The bullies who bully people physically might have more confidence online since they can hurt the victim not only by hurting their feeling but also make them to have injuries like punching, kicking, or elbowing. What the people said in the video was amazing the speech was well said, very clear to listen to, and very informative. In my opinion, the speech was really nice and very organized if that makes sense. The speech was loud and clear like most speeches should be.
    3. It’s important to have allies because not only do you have a new friend but you also get some help when you’re in some fights. The second reason is you can do way more things not just help each other in fights but also help each other with work you are struggling with. You can share new ideas with them whether is a problem or a debate between you and another person. You can give some advice or get some suggestions about the situation. You can also make new friends with your allies depending on how many friends you want. Finally, you can do certain projects with the ally and maybe get good marks.
    Overall my opinion does have minor details I think bullying should stop whether it’s racist sexist or anything else related to it.

  12. radwin1 says:

    I think awareness days and campaigns are extremely important .The reason is that on awareness days we can inform and educate non ally’s about their actions and how they can correct their mistakes.We can also stop or limit the spread of racism and homophobia’s on awareness days such as spirit day.Awareness days is proof to everyone in the world that being different is not a curse it’s a gift and it is better to be different because if everyone was the same, life will be a lot more boring.Also students learn about the LGBTQ + community on awareness days from their teacher and because of this the new generation is going to be an ally for the LGBTQ + . Awareness days are the perfect time for LGBTQ+ members to come to and express their true feelings and the best part is they can feel proud to be different and special from others. On awareness days we can except ourselves for who we are and celebrate our differences .

    As everyone knows bullying is a big problem in the world, students, adults and even the police bully others. Bullying can happen for many different reasons but in my opinion the most common reasons are culture ,to feel stronger or being different. People’s culture is the reason why some bully others because people might be doing something that is a sin in your culture for example others might be part of the LGBTQ + community but your culture says being a part of that community is a sin and that could be why people bully. Most bully’s bully others that are smaller and weaker just to feel stronger or they like to impress their friends.Another common reason people bully is because the person they are bullying is different in a way it could be skin colour or the other person could be part of the LGBTQ + community, and they bully them because they think they aren’t normal and they shouldn’t have friends.

    We all know what being an ally for the LGBTQ community is but why is it important? You see some bully or even harass LGBTQ + community because they think they are different but they’re wrong because LGBTQ+ members are actually special and one of a kind and everyone should know about how special they are. The reason why being an ally is important is because everyone is special and different in a way and we all should respect our differences and get along because you only live once so why not make the best out of it and make your life memorable.Also when you stop bully’s from bullying a LGBTQ+ member you did two good deeds, the first good deed is you stoped a person from feeling sad or alone and the second deed is you made the world a better place.Thats why we should all become an ally and stop this virus called hate.

  13. justin94 says:

    It is important to start campaign or spread the awearness of of bullying, racism, or sexicm. Why? Because if we, humans, doesn’t stop what we are doing, then more and more innocent people are gonna get bullied and it is gonna cause them having this negative feeling about bullying or racism. We need to stop and start a campaign before this current problem. We NEED to spread the awearness of bullying or racsim. People bully other people because of their skin color or what gender they are or how they look like. I have experience of being bullied and it was not good. Someone could bully you just becuase they are having a bad day. When you are getting bullied, that means you are having a bad day resulting you bullying other people and the person you bullied is going bully other people ect. Thats why we need to stop this event happening.

    The first reason why people are bullying other people is becase of their skin colour. Racism has been a thing since 200 years ago. In the 1900’s America, black people especially black women werent allowed in the public. They were not allowed in restaurants, batthroom (except for special type of batthroom), or public facilities. Why? Because they have a different skin color than the white people in USA. In Canada, Indigenoues people were forced to go to residental schools and they were forced to to leave their family when they turn 6. They were forced to learn english and forget about their traditional language. The second reason why bullying is a problem is becuase of sexism. In asia( mostly china), women are not allowed to go to school or be educated becuase in most asian countries, they believe women are just suppose to do chores, get married, have a baby and just live for the rest of their life. This sounds cruel but its the truth. Even now, some countries are against women rights. The third reason why bullying is going on is becuase of rumors. For example, if someone did something bad to you that you dont like, you will tell other people about how bad that person and dont be friends with him. Then, what happens next is that people will start hating on that person because of what you siad about him/her.

    It is importnat to upstand for these people that are being attacked or bullied is because bullies won’t stop until we stand up for the innocent people. We have rights to speak for them, we are going to help them and encourage them too. For example, lgbtq+ is something a lot of people hate which we call them “homophobic”. But thats fine, we are living in a country that has freedom so we have the rights to upstand or become ally with the people that are being attacked. Lgbtq+ is not just a normal flag, lgbtq is something units us together. Same as pink shirt day, its not just a normal day, its a day where we stop bullying and its a day where we as a community help other people.

  14. luisa4 says:

    Hello, my name is Luisa, and today I will be writing about Spirit Day.

    Spreading awareness is important because it helps people learn about the issue and inform policy-makers about what’s happening, so they can take action if people can’t do so on their own. Campaigns are a great way to raise awareness and help people who are affected by the issue. People start to take notice of a situation that has a lot of impact, and this creates more awareness. People also start planning days to share the campaign, usually by wearing a specific type of clothing or pin, for instance, and in that way, it helps even more to raise awareness about the issue. As a result of all those things, the issue gets recognized more quickly and eventually stops happening. Examples of awareness movements include Orange Shirt Day, Jean Up, Pride Month, and, of course, Spirit Day.

    Spirit Day is all about preventing bullying. Bullies are usually insecure and need to put others down to feel good about themselves, which is something that must stop. Rather than putting others down when they feel insecure, they should learn to love themselves for who they are. There are other reasons why bullying occurs, such as revenge, or merely for fun, and neither of those is acceptable. Taking revenge is never a good idea. When someone does something to you, you shouldn’t do the same thing back, because then the cycle never ends. They do something, you do something back, and then they do something again because you did something, and so on. The proper response to someone acting disrespectfully is to tell them to stop or to go up to them and ask why they did it. Now back to the point, people might also bully you for fun, for no reason, and that’s just unacceptable. This means they are not empathetic, they don’t put themselves in another person’s shoes. These people are plainly mean, so I would recommend avoiding them.

    Like I mentioned before, Spirit Day promotes bullying prevention, but it’s towards the LGBTQIA+ community in particular. A person who belongs to the community will usually face bullying or discrimination throughout their lifetime. This movement was started by Brittany McMillian, who was sick of having to cope with all the bullying and discrimination around her. You can also help raise awareness, by being an upstander and an ally. By being an ally, you help show homophobes that it’s perfectly okay to be who you want to be. You are supporting love and self-expression, and that is exactly what the world needs right now; to love one another and respect our differences because together, we are stronger.

  15. haadiya1 says:

    Spreading awareness is important for a number of reasons. Those reasons include the following It helps people that are being victimised or discriminated against, feel supported. It causes people that are not aware of the impact of their actions to become aware. It may bring about positive change. It is an important way of spreading knowledge about sensitive topics that people may not know how to talk about. It keeps conversations alive, so the sufferings of victims are not forgotten. It may bring about changes in laws to helps those that are being victimised
    People bully others because they have a problem at home and when they come to work or school they take it out on someone else. Another reason that people bully others is because they are jealous because that person is more popular, or they have something that they don’t. Boys don’t hang out with girls because they think that the boys are smarter and are much better that girls. Its because some people think that men are superior but really women can do all the same things that men can. Another form of bullying is making fun of people’s cultures, a child should not have to worry about having kid make fun of them. Bullying started long ago and should have ended long ago therefore we have to support and help everyone who gets bullied
    You should support the people who are bullied because they are being hurt, whether emotionally or physically and can feel isolated and alone. You can try being their friend or let them know that you support them. If you are strong enough to be an upstander, you will most likely be supported by your friends or classmates as most people agree that bullying is wrong, and this could end the bullying very quickly. If you see this happening, you should go and tell the other person to stop because it is proven that they will stop if they are told to by a third party. If you are a witness the you should immediately go and tell an adult or confront the person. Bringing awareness to the situation by telling an adult should result in the bully and the person bullying getting the help they need.

  16. mattias12 says:

    I believe that campaigning and having special days dedicated to spread awareness on important issues is important. When we do this, we are not only spreading awareness but we are also showing that we care and support people that are affected by it. From people being bullied because of who they are (2SLGBTQIA+ community), to how they look, their religion and so many other dumb things. When we dedicate a day to support these people that are getting bullied, they feel acknowledged, heard and understanded. We can all pitch in and help everyone. And don’t think that just not- bullying will end this. We all have to do more than just that, we have to speak out and say that bullying is not ok and is not accepted anywhere, no matter what. Honestly, I think that bullies bully people because they are taking out their anger and many other reasons. I don’t support bullying but, I think that you have to look deeper than just “oh they’re bullying someone so they are a bad person” but I think that the bully might not realize that what they are doing can affect more than just a pair of broken glasses. Whether it’s being bullied physically, verbally, cyber-bullied etc. I also might be because they have also been bullied before. Now, you might be thinking, what? Why would someone that was bullied, bully someone? Well, the reason for this is because it makes them feel good and/or to make them more “popular.” Being an upstander or an ally to the 2SLGBTQIA+ community is important because again, “When we dedicate a day to support these people that are getting bullied, they feel acknowledged, heard and understanded” also being part of the LGBTQ+ community myself I really helps to know that many people understand and support people like me and it really sucks that people have to go through so much bullying every day, because, of who they are. I personally have never been bullied before and I can’t imagine the feeling everyday before they go to school. I just want to say that coming out to anyone is really, if so hard, even to your friends because you don’t know if they will support you or if they won’t support you. I can say first hand that you go under a lot of stress. From planning on how you will come out and what you will say, it is a lot to handle. Especially when you have to balance your school work and everything else with making sure your parents don’t find out too early.

  17. april7 says:

    It’s no surprise that the world has issues. Some, very serious, others maybe a little less. Regardless of the problem we are looking at, I think we can all agree that humanity needs a positive change. However, sometimes, bringing awareness to these issues are difficult, especially when they aren’t as heard of. That’s when campaigns and days dedicated to awareness come in. In my opinion, it’s really significant to have planned days to raise awareness because even though it may not seem like it, awareness days actually do bring a lot of attention to specific issues, especially if the day becomes widely known on social media. I don’t know about you, but I’ve discovered a lot of problems that need support just through awareness days being broadcasted on social media alone. For example, let’s say there was a serious issue within this small community that needed support. Sure, you could try talking to people you meet/preaching about the problem on the internet on your own, but the actual process of spreading awareness is slow and gradual, whereas if you were to start a campaign and a day dedicated to the cause, it is likely that it would spread quicker, especially if it were on social media. All in all, campaigns and dedicated awareness days are very vital in the step towards change for the better.

    Bullying is no stranger to anyone. No matter who you are, you have most definitely heard or experienced it sometime in your life. However, bullying doesn’t just happen randomly, and there are numerous reasons that bullying occurs. For example, look at toxic/abusive households or atmospheres. The victims generate a lot of anger or hatred that they can’t direct at the actual perpetrator, and usually deal with these feelings in an unhealthy way as they can’t independently grasp or identify a healthy coping mechanism, so, they turn to directing that anger onto people weaker than them. Or in other words, they turn to bullying. Another example of why bullying happens is the influence that society/your friends/your community has. This one is more aimed towards youths, specifically those that enter middle school. Many pre-teens are easily swayed by the need to be “cool” or “popular,” especially since they are at a time in their life where everything is insanely confusing. Along with this struggle to discover themselves, a lot of them tend to develop immature and closed off mindsets because they’re convinced that’s what might make them likable or cool since that’s what they see going on around them, which eventually can lead to the harassment of anyone who isn’t “normal.” One more possibility of why bullying occurs is a little connected to my last point. Immaturity. Just to clarify, they are not the same reason. My last one is pointing out how the influence of the people around you can affect you, and this one is directly just linked to your mindset. Now, bullying and harassment doesn’t just happen among the younger generations, it can occur in the older ones too. In my opinion, immaturity and the unwillingness to learn seems to be the leading reason. It’s no surprise that discrimination was a lot more frequent in previous decades and because of that, a lot (not all) of the older folk have rather narrow-minded opinions, and some of them tend to express their thoughts out loud. Lastly, bullying can occur due to just cold-heartedness. While this one is less likely to be the reason, it does happen. Some bullies are just cruel towards others just because they can be, and the bullying doesn’t have a big impact on them.

    Upstanders and allies are extremely, extremely crucial to anyone and anything that faces discrimination, hatred, or injustice of some kind. Yes, it can be difficult and sometimes a little scary to be an upstander, but it’s really significant that we all stand up against homophobia, sexism, racism, ableism, islamophobia, etc. As mentioned before, the world is cruel, and yes, it’s a lot easier to just ignore and act oblivious to the endless lists of crises and problems that humanity has caused, but it we all have the same mindset of oblivion, then no one will actually lift a finger and the world will just spiral into hell. That’s why even though an issue may not openly affect you, you should still stand up for what’s right and be an ally. Sure, it may not feel like you are doing much, but in reality, teeny-tiny acts like these add up and become something bigger. For example, one student defending someone may not feel like much, but if every single student in our school came together and stood up for the victim, well, the bully is pretty much done for. It’s small things like these that matter, and yes, it’s very cliché, but it’s also very true. In order for the world to improve, we all must stand up, no matter who you are or what you look like.

    Now, this is a Spirit Day blog post, and I have not once really mentioned Spirit Day in any of these paragraphs so let’s talk about it. Spirit Day was started by a high school student wanting to bring more attention to the ever-growing problem of discrimination against queer people. It began as a one women mission, but slowly, Brittany McMillan’s idea became so successful that GLAAD decided to step in. Spirit Day occurs on October 21st and is dedicated to bringing awareness to the injustice the 2SLGBTQ+ community experiences. As a person who is a part of the queer community, I find this really touching. Even though there’s been a lot of progress in moving towards a better future for the 2SLGBTQ+ community, there is still a lot of work to be done, and that can often be forgotten. However, days like Spirit Day help remind the world that we are not even close to reaching the end goal of equality and that plenty of LGBTQ+ people have discrimination happen to them daily. There is still so much to be done, and days like Spirit Day continue to urge us to create a safe and better future.

  18. deja2 says:

    It is so important to start campaigns or days to spread awareness on really important issues because we can’t always care about ourselves and not others. Look at all the other people starting all these amazing things, for example, the Black Lives Matter movement was made in 2020, it shook the whole world and I personally think that was amazing because of people who are standing up for others. If we didn’t start this movement imagine all the others who would have been even more hurt, if you start something helpful then you can help so many others feel safer and loved. I took initiative and helped start a Sogi (Sexual Orientation Gender Identity) club last year, it went really well and I learnt more about people and the history of the LGBTQIA+ community. I learnt more about the people who joined and believe it or not but most of these people who joined were people that you wouldn’t think of, most of them didn’t feel safe around others to open about this kind of stuff. So make sure to always make others feel safe and accepted.

    I find that most people get bullied because of the way they dress or act, some straight people dress a certain way. For example, lots of people will ask my friend if she is gay because she hangs around us, you can’t judge a person by what their wearing or how they act, that’s like if I went up to ms Panesar and she was wearing a rainbow that day because she felt like it and I just said ms Panesar’s your gay. That doesn’t make any sense so please try to make everyone feel safe. People may also get bullied for being themselves, like for being gay or bi, pan, ace, or whatever they are and they say things that you cant think of there are so many things that have been said and it’s unbelievable. Having gay friends, so many people have been bullied so badly because of it, not only online but physically and trust me it hurts a lot.

    It’s very important to be an ally to the LGBTQ+ community because of the people in the community, if you think about it they’re just like us. We’re all people so we should be treated the same, no matter the colour, no matter the race, no matter what you identify as, you should be nice and caring to everyone. What you can do to help is post stuff on social media about people being gay and how it’s ok! Or you could be more open about it and start events at your school about it. Talking to your friends about it is also good to do, especially standing up for others. Lots of kids or adults get bullied really badly about this stuff since I am a part of the community. I have been bullied about it quite badly but I did have someone to stand up for me and it felt really nice because I didn’t have to feel alone.

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