Student Expectations

As was mentioned on our first day of class as Division 4, we went over our classroom rules, procedures and expectations. Below is a reminder!

  • Entering the classroom: After greeting you good morning, please put away your bag, grab your homework, chair and get your work ready for first period. 
  • Attendance: Please be on-time. If you are going to be away because of an appointment, please let me know beforehand! 
  • Coming to Class Prepared: This consists of having your homework fully completed, being organised, handing in all forms/field trip notices on-time and having all of your supplies ready. 
  •  Going to the Washroom: Please ask before doing so. 
  • Teacher Signal: A countdown of 3-2-1 
  • Behaviour Management System: Classroom Economy, Tick/X system
  • Supplies: Please see supply list that was given out in your report card last year. See me if you require another copy. 
  • Sharpening pencils: In respect to our speaker, please wait until s/he is finished speaking and then you may. 
  • Noise Level Expectations: Noise should never be the equivalent to how the playground sounds (screaming or yelling). I will inform you of specific quiet times, whisper voices or conversational voice. 
  • Desk organisation: Please make sure that your desk is kept clean and organised. This will ensure that you do not lose anything and that you will be able to quickly pull out work. 
  • Keeping Work Organised: If you prefer to have individual duo-tangs, that’s great. If you prefer one big binder, that’s great too. If using a binder, be sure to have dividers within your binder according to each subject. 
  • Labelling assignments: Please make sure that your assignments are labelled with a title and your name. This will make it easier for our homework monitors to see who has/not submitted their work. 
  • Quality of Work: Please make sure that you submit work that is at the appropriate grade level (5/6). Also, be sure to take into consideration what your personal academic goals are. If you would like to strive for exceeding expectations, make sure that you ask yourself: did I exceed the teacher’s expectations on this assignment? 
  • Turning in assignments: All work must be completed by the due date (unless there is a reason that we have talked about before). If you do not submit your work on-time, your work will be docked late marks. If you constantly hand-in late work or I must chase you for assignments, a conversation with your parents/guardians will occur. 
  • Transitions: You will be expected to transition from each subject within a couple of minutes. This means that any work from that period will go into your binder/duo-tang. Also, when asked to transition to another period outside of the classroom, (music, math or p.e.), you will need to do so quickly and line-up quietly. 
  • Finishing Work Early: Be sure to hand-in work that is completed only to the best of your ability. This means: have you used a 100% level of effort? Did you try your very best? If so, let me know and you can either work on another assignment or perhaps even have free time.
  • Working independently/pairs/groups: There will be times when we will be working solely independently, in pairs (most likely with the partner beside you) or in groups. 
  • Library: We will have our own classroom library. If you do borrow books, please be sure to put them back properly and handle them with care. You will also be able to visit the library and grab some novels for silent reading. Please submit your books back on-time! 
  • Using Technology: We will have many assignments where we will be working on the computer/iPad. When using computers, be it in the Pod or in the Lab, please make sure that the mouse and keyboard are left neatly, that all work is taken with you and, that your chair is tucked in or folded and put back!
  • Eating/Drinking in Class: If you become hungry or thirsty outside of break, lunch or recess time, it is fine to have a snack/drink. Be sure that this snack will not distract you from your work though. 
  • Fire/Emergency Drills: Will be discussed more in depth in class.  
  • Homework Board: You are expected to write in your planner/agenda every day. Our homework board will always be updated with dates of assignments and notices/forms. 
  • Packing up/Dismissal Procedures: You are to pack up only after your planner/agenda has been written, your chair has been stacked and desk cleared off. Do not do so earlier. 

We will have more rules/procedures as the year goes along! 

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