with Mrs. Nicoll and Mrs. Leroux

Author: lerouxj (Page 2 of 3)

Wednesday, May 27th

Good morning students and parents!

Here are your morning announcements from our very own Mrs. Leroux!

#1. Health: Hand Washing 

  • Parents, please watch this hand washing video with your child. Then help your child wash their hands using the steps demonstrated in the video.  If your child is returning to school next week, could you please practice this specific hand washing routine every day so that they are prepared.  If your child is continuing to do at home instruction, then please review this hand washing procedure with them after going on outings.
  • I’ve included written step-by-step instructions to help you remember the order.
  • You could try this great simple experiment for hand washing

#2. Reading:

  • RazKids: read 1-2 stories and complete the questions
  • MySciLearn: read your first story of the week
  • Epic Books: read for enjoyment after you have completed the rest of your work

#3. Math: Today you will be completing the worksheet on perimeter. If you were apart of the group chat yesterday, you will know that perimeter is the distance around an object. We find the distance by adding up all the side of an object. Make sure you write the unit of measurement after each object. It could be cm, m, or square units.  All students will do the same sheet today. Add up all sides of the object to find the perimeter Worksheet 1 and 2

#4. Physical Education: It should be beautiful morning, so try and get out for a walk or a bike ride. Or, try this at home workout! You should be exercising every day for at least 30 minutes.

#5. Art: (for fun-optional!) Art For Kids Today’s art lesson: draw a folding surprise Poke ball! If you would like to share your drawings with the class, please ask a parent to email me (Mrs. Leroux) your picture and I will put it into the Gallery.  Just like before,  you will need a piece of paper, a pencil and something to colour with.  Please put a spare piece of paper underneath your paper to protect your table.  The artist does the lesson with a marker. You may wish to do your drawing with a pencil in case you’d like to erase and make improvements.  You can always fine line the edges with a marker after you are done.

Monday, May 25th

Good morning class!

Here are your morning announcements brought to you by Mrs. Kumar!

#1. Reading: Today I would like everyone to do a reading assessment on Raz-Kids.  During the reading assessment you will record yourself reading a short piece of writing, then you will record yourself telling us about the information you just read, and then finally you will answer 5 questions. It will take about 15 minutes or less!  You will really need to think about what you are reading, while you are reading it, in order to tell us about it as there is no going back!!

  • Step 1: If you have already signed on to Raz-Kids skip to Step 2!  If this is your first time using Raz-Kids then you will need to log on using the instructions in the Online Reading Program tab above.
  • Step 2: When you are on your home screen (the space ship control station) click on Flight Check, instead of the usual Level Up, and begin.  You will earn 300 points for completing this assessment!!
  • Step 3: Go to the library link and listen to Mrs. Field’s book of the week

#2. Math

  1. Grade 2’s: You will continue to measure in cm. On the first sheet you will draw a snake the length given. On the second sheet, you will take a ruler and measure the length of the people in cm.  Worksheet 1     Worksheet 2
  2. Grade 3’s: Today you will be learning about kilometres. Kilometres are long. There are 1000 metres in a kilometre! We often use kilometres when we are driving or traveling long distances. Next time you are in the car with your family, look for signs that say how far away a place is. You will notice it says the distance in kilometres. On the first sheet, you will need to add numbers together if you are traveling between more than one town. For example, if you are traveling from Yarmouth to Truro, you will need to add the distance form Yarmouth to Halifax (300 km) and Halifax to Truro (90 km). Add 300 + 90 = 390 km. On the second worksheet, please read the instructions for each question.  Worksheet 1 and 2

#3. P.E.: Go for a scavenger hunt walk in your neighborhood or on a local trail (like Squint Lake).

#4. Art: (for fun-optional!) Art For Kids Today’s art lesson: drawing a cute puppy!! If you would like to share your drawings with the class, please ask a parent to email me (Mrs. Leroux) your picture and I will put it into the Gallery.  If you have a look now, you will see Louie’s art from last week!  Just like before,  you will need a piece of paper, a pencil and something to colour with.  Please put a spare piece of paper underneath your paper to protect your table.  The artist does the lesson with a marker. You may wish to do your drawing with a pencil in case you’d like to erase and make improvements.  You can always fine line the edges with a marker after you are done.

Have a great day!

Love, Mrs. Nicoll

Friday, May 22nd

Good Morning Division 8!

Please enjoy the  Morning Announcement presented by Fluffy and Finnigan!

#1. Reading:

  • MySciLearn: finish your third story for the week       OR
  • RazKids: read 1-2 stories and complete the questions. Record yourself reading 1 story this week.
  • Epic Books: read for enjoyment after you have completed the rest of your work

#2. Math:  Please make sure you have completed all of your math from this week.  Choose 4 pages of math to submit to Teams in the “May 19-21 Math” assignment folder. Here are some fun math games for you to try:

#3. Art: (for fun-optional!) Art For Kids Today’s art lesson: drawing sushi!! Just like yesterday, you will need a piece of paper, a pencil and something to colour with.  Please put a spare piece of paper underneath your paper to protect your table.  The artist does the lesson with a marker. You may wish to do your drawing with a pencil in case you’d like to erase and make improvements.  You can always fine line the edges with a marker after you are done.

#4. Physical Health: Please choose an activity or two to complete 30 minutes of exercise today.

  • get outside for a walk or bike ride
  • Go Noodle
  • PE with Joe : a new video
  • Cosmic Kids Yoga

Have a great weekend!!

Mrs. Leroux

Thursday, May 21st

Good Morning Division 8!

Please enjoy this morning’s announcement presented by Mrs. Mann, Ms. Foy and Mrs. Vaughan.

#1. Reading:

  • MySciLearn: continue reading your second or third story of the week       OR
  • RazKids: read 1-2 stories and complete the questions. Record yourself reading 1 story this week.
  • Epic Books: read for enjoyment after you have completed the rest of your work

#2. Writing: Yesterday during our Zoom meeting we brainstormed a list of Listening and Speaking Skills that we use during a Zoom meeting.  Today I would like you to record your ideas on the attached Worksheet.In the first sentence I would like you to choose and write two listening skills that you show during Zoom meetings. In the second sentence I would like you to choose and write two speaking skills that you show during Zoom meetings. In the third sentence, please choose one skill that you think you could get better at and then explain why you should get better at it or how you could improve. When finished, please upload your writing assignment to Teams in the Listening and Speaking Assignment folder.

#3. Math: 

  • Grade 2’s:  For the first sheet you will decide if an object would be measured in cm or m. Cut and paste the measurement you would put on the sheet. Worksheet 1 For the second sheet you will use your metre string (or whatever you used to measure a metre) and your ruler. Choose items in your house to measure. First estimate how long it is by guessing the size of the object. Then, measure how many metres and/or centimetres an object is.  Worksheet 2
  • Grade 3’s: For the first sheet you will need your metre string and a pencil or two (that are the same size). Lay the string out and count how many times the pencil fits along the string. You could lay your pencil down and flip, counting how many times you flipped your pencil; or, you could lay two pencils down, pick up the back pencil and bring it to the front. Count how many times the pencil fits along the string as you go. The second sheet  is covering (or changing ) metres into cm. We know that there are 100 cm in a metre.  How many cm are there in 3 metres? All you have to do is add two 0’s to the end of the number; so, 3 m=300 cm. Here is an example of another question. Which is bigger, 155 cm or 2 m? I know 2 m is 200 cm, so 2 m is bigger than 155 cm.    Worksheet 1 and 2

#4. Art: Art for Kids: Draw a popsicle!  You will need a piece of paper, a pencil and something to colour with.  Please put a spare piece of paper underneath your paper to protect your table.  The artist does the lesson with a marker. You may wish to do your drawing with a pencil in case you’d like to erase and make improvements.  You can always fine line the edges with a marker after you are done.

Bye for now!

Mrs. Leroux

Friday, May 15th

Good Morning Division 8! 

It was wonderful to see so many of you on the parade route yesterday! We had such a great time! Thank you for coming out to see us!

Happy Birthday to Grayson on Monday, May 18th!  We hope you have a wonderful time celebrating your day!

Please enjoy the morning announcement presented by Ms. Foy and Mrs. Cook!

Did you know that the Maddock Family from Montecito school is in a contest called  Canadian Family’s Got Talent?  If you click on the link you can hear them sing and then vote for them! Voting will happen from now until Tuesday and you can vote every day!

*A reminder to please check in Teams for feedback and corrections from Mrs. Nicoll and Mrs. Leroux on your writing and math assignments!*

#1. Reading:

  • MySciLearn: read your third story of the week
  • RazKids: read 1-2 stories and complete the questions. If you have not recorded yet this week, record 1 story.
  • Epic Books: read for enjoyment after you have completed the rest of your work

#2 Writing: Today you will take your planning sheet from yesterday and put it together in a paragraph. That means one sentence will follow after the other. We learned about transition words before Spring Break. You will use these to connect one sentence to the other. If you recall, some transition words are: also, next, after that, then, first, second, third, and finally. Remember when you use them, they need a comma right after them. Once you have finished please upload your work onto Teams.          Final Copy Sheet

Here is what my final sheet looks like:


#3 Math:  Today is “catch up” day!  Please make sure you have completed all of your math from this week.  Choose 4 pages of math to submit to Teams in the “May 11-14 Math” assignment folder.

#4 Physical Health: Please choose an activity or two to complete 30 minutes of exercise today.

  • get outside into the sunshine for some fun!
  • Go Noodle
  • PE with Joe : a new video
  • Cosmic Kids Yoga

Have a great long weekend!! Talk to you on Tuesday!

Mrs. Leroux

Thursday, May 14th

Good Morning Division 8! 

Today is PARADE DAY!!  🙂

We are looking forward to seeing you somewhere along the route!  We will be leaving the school at 1:00 and driving the route slowly, so it may take a little while to get to you.

Get ready to wave!

Please enjoy the morning announcement presented by Mrs. Kimmie today!

Zoom meeting tonight at 7pm  for those of you who have signed up! We are zooming at 7:00 tonight so that we can chat with Vettel in Taiwan!  Please go to  Posts on our Teams site and click on the link to join the meeting.

#1. Reading:

  • MySciLearn: finish your second story of the week or maybe start your third.
  • RazKids: read 1-2 stories and complete the questions. If you have not recorded yet this week, record 1 story.
  • Epic Books: read for enjoyment after you have completed the rest of your work

#2. Writing: Please finish up your writing from yesterday.  Each box should have one complete sentence that begins with a capital, has ending punctuation and makes sense!  Read each sentence out loud to yourself to make sure!! If you need more than one sentence to complete your idea that is OK too.

#3. Math: For today’s work Grade 3’s will need a ruler, grade 2’s will not.

  • Grade 2’s: The first sheet is showing you that little centicubes, like the ones we have in our classroom, are the same size as a centimetre. You will count the cubes to see how many centimetres long each object is. On the second sheet, you will estimate the length of different objects using your fingers. Your fingers are close in length to a centimetre, so it’s a good estimate.   worksheet 1 and 2
  • Grade 3’s : Please read the the instructions on the top of the first sheet. When you are drawing and measuring a line, it is important that you start at the first line on the ruler. If you start at the edge of the ruler, your measurement will not correct. On the second sheet you will choose objects in your house to measure that are smaller than your ruler. Write the name of the object down and measure how long it is. Make sure you write cm after the number!    worksheet 1 and 2

#4. P.E.: While waiting for the parade to arrive  you could: do some jumping jacks, run on the spot, jump rope, play Simon Says, play Go, Go, Go, Stop! or …..

#5. Art: This is optional. Finish making a poster to bring to the Montecito staff parade this afternoon!


Wednesday, May 13th

Good morning Division 8! Today it is Benjamin’s 8th birthday!!! We wish you a fun filled day of celebration!!

Please enjoy today’s morning announcements presented by the Mr. Happy family.  Can you guess who’s family this is?

#1. Reading:

  • MySciLearn: start your second story of the week. Read for 20 minutes. (or)
  • RazKids: read 1-2 stories and complete the questions. If you have not recorded yet this week, record 1 story.
  • Epic Books: read for enjoyment after you have completed the rest of your work

#2. Writing: This is the second day of working on your persuasive writing piece about what animal you want to convince your mom and dad to get as a pet. You will need your brainstorm from yesterday to write this. First, complete in the topic sentence that starts with, “The pet I think we should get ______“. Next, choose your top 4 reasons from your web and in a sentence write the reasons you want this pet. Finally, make a conclusion sentence. A conclusion retells the topic sentence with some extra details. You could start the sentence like mine and write, “I would like a pet ________ and I promise to _________“. Keep this sheet in a safe place because you will need it on Friday to finish the lesson. At that time, families will be asked to submit the writing work from this week. Sorry for the error, here is the student copy of the sheet!

#3. Math: You will need a ruler to measure today. If you can’t find one in your house, take a look on your planner bookmark. This is also a sheet you won’t be able to do without a printer. If either of these is a problem, head over to IXL and complete V.3 (Measurement- measure using a centimetre ruler)

  • Grade 2’s: You will be measuring items using a ruler. Be sure to start at the 0 marker or the first line you see. Don’t start at 1 or your measurement will be wrong. Look at the number where the item ends and write it down.   worksheet 1 and 2
  • Grade 3’s: You will be measuring items using a ruler and estimating (making a good guess) how long you think an item is. Just like the grade 2’s, be sure to start at the 0 marker or the first line you see. Don’t start at 1 or your measurement will be wrong. Look at the number where the item ends and write it down. On the second sheet, you estimate by deciding if you think an object is more than or less than 10 cm. All you will do is put a check in the box. Then you will measure the length and put the answer in the spots at the bottom of the question.   worksheet 1 and 2

#4. P.E.: Try this beginner workout with Coach Joe from P.E. with Joe.

#5. Art: This is optional. Continue making a poster for the staff parade on Thursday at 1:00. If you missed the email of the parade route, please message Mrs. Nicoll and she will send you the information.

Friday, May 8th

Hello Division 8! It’s Friday!

Please enjoy today’s morning announcement presented by Mr. Leach. 

#1. Reading: If you are using MySciLearn for reading, finish up your third story of the week. Please complete it through to the end of the quiz. If you are using RazKids, read for 20-30 minutes. A reminder to please read books from the Level Up link.  Please do all three steps of the book: listen, read and then answer the questions. Once you have finished your 3 books for the week on MySciLearn or 20-30 minutes daily on Raz-Kids you may go to Epic Books or Tumblebooks to read some of your favourites.

#2 Writing:   Write me a letter! 

Continue working on your letter telling me all about your at-home school experience.  I’m looking forward to reading it and hearing about how it is going.  Letter Writing Instructions  Due by Saturday, May 8th 

#3 Math:  Today is “catch up” day!  Please make sure you have completed all of your math from this week.  Choose 4 pages of math to submit to Teams in the “May 4-7 Math” assignment folder.

#4 Physical Health: Please choose an activity or two to complete 30 minutes of exercise today.

  • get outside into the sunshine for some fun! Don’t forget your sunscreen!
  • Go Noodle
  • PE with Joe : a new video
  • Cosmic Kids Yoga

#5. Art: Finish up your Mother’s Day art project to be ready for Sunday!

Have a great weekend in the sunshine! Mrs. Leroux

Thursday, May 7th

Good morning Division 8!

Please enjoy today’s morning announcement presented by Mrs. Hall.

Zoom meeting today at 1:00 for our second group! Please be prepared with the password for the Thursday meeting that was emailed on Friday, May 1st by Mrs. Nicoll.  There were 8 students in our chat on Tuesday.  It was fabulous to be able to see and hear each other! 🙂

#1. Reading: If you are using MySciLearn for reading, continue reading your second story of the week  or start your third. Please complete it through to the end of the quiz. If you are using RazKids, read for 20 minutes. A reminder to please read books from the Level Up link.  Please do all three steps of the book: listen, read and then answer the questions.  I can see that some children are skipping some of the steps!!

#2 Writing:   Write me a letter! 

I would like you to write me a letter and submit it to me in Teams under the Write a Letter Assignment. In the letter I would like you to tell me about how and what you are doing at home.  You can let your parents know that you are able to do the writing on your own.  I want to see your spelling and punctuation.  It is OK to talk about your ideas with your parents before you start, to get your thoughts organized, or to read it to them as you are working on it so that they can help you to add more details. Perhaps they will even remind you to check for COPS (Capitalization, Organization, Punctuation, Spelling) just like I would if we were in the classroom! You may write the letter on paper (with a pencil) or type it. Letter Writing Instructions  Due by Saturday, May 8th 

#3 Math: Today both grade 2’s and 3’s are working on reading calendars.

  • Grade 2’s: Today you will be working on writing and spelling the days of the week and month of the year.  worksheet 1 and 2
  • Grade 3’s: You will be working on what the grade 2’s were doing yesterday. They learned that when we count days, we skip count. That means we jump from one day to the next. For example, today is Thursday. How many days is it until Sunday? We don’t count Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday and say it’s 4 days. We do skip count starting on Thursday and count Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and say it’s in 3 days.     worksheet 1 and 2

#4 Physical Health: Please choose an activity or two to complete 30 minutes of activity today.

  • Go Noodle
  • PE with Joe : a new video
  • Cosmic Kids Yoga
  • go for a walk or bike ride outside
  • try or repeat Mrs. Nicoll’s workout from yesterday’s post

#5. Art: Work on Step 4 of the Mother’s Day art project.

Have a great day! Mrs. Leroux

Wednesday, May 6th

Good morning Division 8! I wanted to say happy belated birthday to Andy yesterday. We were able to sing Happy Birthday to him on our Zoom chat and saw the amazing decorations his mom and step-dad put up. I hope you had a great day!

Here are your morning announcements brought to you by Mrs. Field!

#1. Reading: If you are using MySciLearn for reading, begin reading your second story of the week. If you are using RazKids, read for 20 minutes. When you are in RazKids there are two links. One says Level Up and the other says Reading Room. Please use Level Up as all the books in there are at your reading level. The Reading Room has a variety of higher and lower levels, so it will have books that are too easy or too hard. Please answer the questions.

#2 Writing: Finish the journal entry from yesterday about something you wanted, but couldn’t have. When you are done, submit your work on Teams.

#3. Math: We are just finishing up our mini-unit on time and will move on to measurement next week. From now on, we will be leaving Fridays as a day to catch-up of Math from the week. A new lesson will not be posted this day. It will be a day to finish anything and to submit work in Teams.

  • Grade 2’s:  students will be reading calendars and answering questions. It is important for students to understand that when we read a calendar, we skip count. That means when we are counting up days, we make a jump from one day to the next and count that as 1. For example, it is Wednesday today. How many days is it until Friday? We don’t count Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and say it’s in 3 days. Instead, we jump to Thursday and jump to Friday and say it’s in 2 days.   worksheet 1 and 2
  • Grade 3’s: students will be writing the time to the hour and minute. On the second sheet there are two spaces for the hour. If the number is 9 or less, write 09:00.    worksheet 1 and 2

#4: Physical Education: Do an activity of your choice or try this workout:

  • warm up by jogging in place for 2 minutes
  • stretch your legs and arms


  • 10 frog jumps (put your hands on the ground and explode up)
  • count to 20 and walk or run in place
  • 10 jumping jacks
  • count to 20 and walk or run in place
  • 10 tire runs (running in and out with high knees)
  • count to 20 and walk in place
  • 20 squats
  • count to 20 and walk in place
  • 10 air jacks (jumping jacks that you explode into the air to do)
  • count to 20 and walk in place
  • 10 running bum kicks (run kicking your bum)
  • count to 20 and walk in place
  • 10 in and out squat jumps ( jump in and out with squats in between each jump)
  • count to 20 and walk in place
  • 10 mule kicks ( get on your hand to the ground and buck your legs like a mule or horse. take a minute rest and water break
  • repeat this 2 more times


Great job, if you finished this!! If you didn’t finish, keep working out to get stronger and healthier. The more you do it, the better you get at it! You used your muscles and raised your heart rate. Fitness is important to being healthy!

#5. Art: Work on Step 3 of the Mother’s Day art project.


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