Ashton’s Adventures

Hello, my name is Kayden and this my first alliteration poem.

Ashton’s Adventures. By: Kayden

Ashton likes games Ashton likes action games.

He was very smart last year he even did an addition audition.

He had dreams he was the Alaskan Aladdin.

He had thoughts of getting abducted by aliens.

In his head he saw confusion illusions.

He had dreams he was a star, people would buy admissions to see him succeed his ambitions

He made an animation with some alliteration.


My Alliterative Poem

In class we read some poems by Kenn Nesbitt and we were so inspired by the poems that we learned what alliteration means. So we put alliteration into our poems. Here is my poem.

My Cousins

By Jasnin                                                                                                                             My cousins like clowns,                                                                                                       but they also like crowns.                                                                                                  They’re all so annoying                                                                                                      when they are growing.                                                                                                      They say my rhymes are like crimes,                                                                                  just to make me laugh.
But when they say their jokes it makes me choke.

They climb constantly when Christmas comes round.
They think they’re cool,
but they’re just crazily weird.
My cousin Carly is so cranky,
and kind of lanky.
They have lots of crows,
and they all need to grow.
That’s everything I know
about my crazy cousins.

I hope you liked my poem!

Book Spine Poems

We have been working on book spine poems and it was a interesting experience. My book spine poem is here.


We went to our school library to look for ideas for our poems. It was fun to see all the titles we have never seen before. I liked the book finding and I found some books that could be a book spine poem.

The poems are very cool and you can be very creative. I liked making this book spine poem.


April 6, 2019

A cinquain (pronounced “sin-cane) is a type of poem. Before writing a cinquain, there are some things you need to know…

1.) Each line has it’s own number of syllables.

Line 1: 2 syllables

Line 2: 4 syllables

Line 3: 6 syllables

Line 4: 8 syllables

Line 5: 2 syllables

2.) You don’t have to rhyme, but you can if you want to.


These are 3 of my favorite cinquains that I wrote:




                Writing is fun

               Educational too

Write on paper, write on the wall

                     Go write




                              We are on pointé

                            Listen to the music

                      Aerials, relevé, and splits

                                  Just dance





          All pink and bright

            A sugary delight 

Chew it all day, chew it all night



What I do when I only see the left end of the stick.


We have read further in Touching Spirit Bear and we have learned a lesson. Edwin said ” try to get rid of the left end of the stick.” ” Why is the left end of the stick still there?”  We have been reading about how the left end of the stick cannot be broken. Edwin also said that the pond they were sitting in gave them a choice to be either happy or angry. We have been given the question What do you do when you can only see the left end of the stick?

I usually just relax and do something that takes my anger off of my mind. Relaxing and doing something else is how I take away my anger.