Cinquain Poetry.

Since the beginning of the year we have been learning about poems. Over the terms we learned about different types of poems like a Haiku and a Cinquain. here are some of the Cinquain poems I have made.

High School

High school

The place you fear

Strangers and work galore

More teachers and subjects too gasp

New friends



Oh home

Sweet shelter home

Comfortable luxurious

No strangers and freedom of choice

Sweet Home


The Beach

Beach party

Bright, sunny, fun

Swimming, running, playing

On the sand dunes of Hawaii fun


Cinquains have 5 lines. In the first line there are 2 syllables in the second line there are 4 syllables. In the third line there are 6 syllables the fourth line has 8 syllables and finally the fifth line has 2 syllables. You can remember this in a simple pattern which is: 2,4,6,8,2.

Creating Poems!

A few weeks ago we started learning about writing poems! Here are a few that I’ve created, each poem is labeled, so you know whether it’s a Haiku or a Quatrain:


McDonald’s by Jaden (Free Verse Poem)

McDonald’s is great, but it’s unhealthy,

Don’t eat it everyday, or you’ll be big!

Be smart with your diet, though food is good,

McDonald’s delicious, just like it should!


Money by Jaden (Haiku)

It’s all ‘bout money,

Money can buy you Honey,

And Honey is sweet.


Movies by Jaden (Quatrain)

Movies o’ Movies you’re filled with suspense,

Sometimes a movie can include fighting,

Some movies are action-packed, they are tense,

Sometimes scary, I mostly get frightened!


Tacos by Jaden (Rhyming Couplet)

Tacos O’ Tacos, they make me hungry,

I wish I could spawn them right beside me.


Treasure by Jaden (Rhyming Couplet)

Treasure is fun to dig out with some friends,

Super awesome, until the journey ends.


This blog entry is going to be about poems
When I grow up…
I want to be a baker,
Maybe not a video game maker.
Working with animals would be great,
Hope my dad doesn’t eat the cookies that I like to make.
An author would be nice,
How ’bout a cook that likes to use spice.



Seasons are nice
My favourite is summer
I enjoy swimming


Rhyming couplet

I like to go to school and learn new things,
Sometimes at music our teacher sings.



I think about flying in the blue sky                                                                                          It’ll take time to get the hang of it                                                                                          And I will be fast while I soar up high                                                                                     And I will learn a lot more bit by bit