March Precept

The March precept is: “Kind words do not cost much, yet they accomplish much.” I completely agree with this. Kind words really don’t cost you anything, other than time, and if you have time reading this, then you probably also have time to say kind words. Anyway, I completely agree with this, because all you have to do to cheer someone up is to say something kind to them, which doesn’t cost a thing, and yet, just one kind worded sentence is enough to make a person happy. I really have nothing else to say, other than this is a very important life lesson, and, as a precept, it follows what a precept should do. A precept is something to live by, and literally everyone lives by this precept, and if not, then they really should change, because kind words can heal wounds, can help people, and most of all, give new meaning and determination to a person, with just a few kind words.