Back to class in June

Updated, June 3

Our weekly online meetings will take place on Wednesdays in MS Teams. Before our next meeting, please read Gray Wolf’s Search with Mr Tsougrianis and explore these ideas after reading/listening. Then please leave a comment ON MR TSOUGRIANIS’S BLOG.

Please see the list of and ongoing assigned activities to work on over the rest of this week. Please also have a listen to “Sometimes a Dream Needs a Push“. I’ll be interested to know what you think of the father’s reaction to Chris’s dream, whether you think it is harder for Chris or for his dad and what you think about how they are reacting to hardship.

Canada Wc-1A (1950s)
It’s the first week of June. Where I lived when I was in elementary school long ago, the first week of June would have been our last week of the school year, so it seems more than a little odd to be writing about heading back to school right now, but I suppose that’s not all that’s a litttle out of the ordinary at the moment.

We welcome many of our students back to classrooms today while the rest will continue working from home. With this mix of working partially in person and partially from home, our schedules will change. We will move our weekly online meetings for the whole class to Wednesday mornings. I will continue to support students with their work and their questions, but I will not be able to be available for as many open drop-in sessions online. As ever, scheduled meetings will be found in our Teams calendar.

There will be a few new tasks to tackle this week, but for the moment, for those wtill working from home, taking some time to revisit unfinished comments, writing, problems and music tasks from the last week or two would be time wisely spent.

I hope to see all of you, via one means or another, very soon indeed!