
In class we watch a video about eating bugs and how yummy and healthy they are and I was pretty grossed out but when they talked about what they tasted like I was pretty interested and I really thought the eating worm would taste good with chocolate on it. We finished the video and our teacher Mr. Milloy gave us 2 types of crickets to eat honey mustard and BBQ and I tryed them both and they tasted like chips but some people didn’t try them but it’s okay. I think I could live eating bugs for a little bit but I might get tired of them but if there was like a study program on a popular channel on TV I think bugs and sort could get really known and people would know how healthy they are and maybe start to enjoy them alot.


Entomophagy is eating bugs, awhile ago the class ate crickets they were a little creepy with their dead black eyes staring into your soul as you are about to eat it and you think about the life the bugs could’ve had but then you think “I’m Starving!” and you eat it whole doesn’t make you very full but its really good I got the chance to try bugs in the first place this is my blog article about Entomophagy Goodbye.