Book Spine Poems

We have been working on book spine poems and it was a interesting experience. My book spine poem is here.


We went to our school library to look for ideas for our poems. It was fun to see all the titles we have never seen before. I liked the book finding and I found some books that could be a book spine poem.

The poems are very cool and you can be very creative. I liked making this book spine poem.



Do you thing giving attribution is important? From my point of view it is. Here’s why. Giving attribution is super important. It’s rude not to give credit to the person who made the picture (or video).  Even where you got your information is important. It’s like giving respect to the person. Saying that you respect that their information is their information. If you don’t give attribution then anybody can think that you took that picture or that’s your story or you recorded that video.

Cornflakes with milk pouring in

So in my opinion giving attribution is important.

Why is attribution important?


Attribution is really important. We should give attribution because it is polite and we are giving the person credit for their work. In my own opinion I think it is rude not to give the person credit for their own pictures, videos, and work. ( What does attribution mean? Attribution means giving someone credit for their own videos and pictures.) The reason why attribution is important to me. Is because you aren’t giving credit to the person who made the video or the picture and it is just rude. So that is why i think attribution is important.


The Inportance Of Giving Attribution


The Importance Of Giving Attribution

Right now you are probably thinking ‘what does attribution mean?’ Attribution means giving credit for the person who made it or took the picture for an example, you see a really cool picture on a website and you really want to use it so you decided to use it and you give credit for it that is attribution means. It’s really important to give attribution or else the person who made it might think your copyrighting and if you get any money from it you can be fined and go to jail or they will get really annoyed at you, if you forget and you always give attribution you can apologies and say that you forgot to give attribution and they will probably forgive you. Sometimes the picture says you don’t need to give attribution but it still is nice to give attribution to the person. Sometimes it doesn’t say who made the picture so you should contact them to see if you can use it, they could say yes or no. There are some pictures that require you to pay them probably because it took them awhile to make it or take the picture. Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you have a good day or night.

Ehrenstetten - Ölbergkapelle6