Book Spine Poem

“today we went to the library to make a book spine poem and the difficulty’s are that the words that you need wont always be there and make it make sense we started on April 24,2019 and its hard first we went to the library to look at the books and take notes of the books we could use the next day we went to the library….Again but this time we picked out the books i recommend trying this.😊

is banishing Cole a good idea?


I think that banishing Cole is a good idea cause Cole can think about what he has done an the island and he was alone so no one can bother him and it will be better cause no one can get hurt like Peter he keeps on getting nightmares about Cole so banishing Cole is a good idea  so Peter  can stop getting nightmares about him the seconded thing that’s  good getting Cole banished is him learning about how to survive in the wild and can also control his temper and learn how to control it and think positive 



He survived on the island but also had a bad temper like when he fought the spirit bear he said “I’LL KILL YOU” but he lost the fight when he fought the spirit bear and now he is laying on the floor and doing nothing

i also think that the circle should banish Cole cause he can prove one more time that he can be trusted


here’s the link to read to chapter 2