Ashton’s Adventures

Hello, my name is Kayden and this my first alliteration poem.

Ashton’s Adventures. By: Kayden

Ashton likes games Ashton likes action games.

He was very smart last year he even did an addition audition.

He had dreams he was the Alaskan Aladdin.

He had thoughts of getting abducted by aliens.

In his head he saw confusion illusions.

He had dreams he was a star, people would buy admissions to see him succeed his ambitions

He made an animation with some alliteration.


Alliteration poem


Hello world! We learned about Alliteration poems in my class. We looked at some poems that Kenn Nesbitt wrote. The whole class had to make an alliteration poem. Here is my poem that I wrote:

My cat

My cat is cuddly and cool.

She’s a little pity but born in the city.

She’s sometimes cranky, sometimes careless.

She likes to sit on a chair, and doesn’t share.

She want’s to go to the beach but doesn’t like the heat.

My cat is funny and cute.

My cat is pretty but doesn’t wear a toque.

My cat likes to go in the car, but doesn’t wan’t to go too far.

My cat is cuddly,cool,cranky and sometimes careless and pretty.

She isn’t really brainy and brave you see, but she wasn’t really brave after she got stung by a bee.


My Alliterative Poem

In class we read some poems by Kenn Nesbitt and we were so inspired by the poems that we learned what alliteration means. So we put alliteration into our poems. Here is my poem.

My Cousins

By Jasnin                                                                                                                             My cousins like clowns,                                                                                                       but they also like crowns.                                                                                                  They’re all so annoying                                                                                                      when they are growing.                                                                                                      They say my rhymes are like crimes,                                                                                  just to make me laugh.
But when they say their jokes it makes me choke.

They climb constantly when Christmas comes round.
They think they’re cool,
but they’re just crazily weird.
My cousin Carly is so cranky,
and kind of lanky.
They have lots of crows,
and they all need to grow.
That’s everything I know
about my crazy cousins.

I hope you liked my poem!

Alliteration poems

In class I learned about what an alliteration poem is. We are recently learning about how to write alliteration poem. We are also reading some of Kenn Nesbitt’s poems for examples, and then learning to write an alliteration poem. Alliteration is when you repeat the beginning consonant sounds of words, then if you want to write a poem, you form these words into sentences, then into poem. Here is my alliteration poems:

Goblins and Grinches

Goblins and grinches live in my garage,

They giggle and gleam when the dark night prepares.

They ghostly glare at me if I am asleep,

Then gently glide to my door, and creep up the stairs.


They giggly grab all our food,

They gain our grains and steals our grapes.

They gather up all their goblin friends,

And grinches follow through the gates.


They start to gulp down all the goods,

And guzzle on gallons of ginger ale.

But when the glowing sun gleams above,

I gasp with shock and then grow pale.



The Grand Visit

I gained some gems and gathered some gold,

I got a ticket to a grand zoo in Egypt.

And though I gild in a glinting green plane,

The green plane flew jumping and bouncing.


I saw some galloping gazelles and giraffes,

I gazed at grumpy gorillas and geckos.

I was so glad I got up from dream,

Cause then the pharaohs would be woke by their echos.




Energy from trash

Until the start of this school year, I had no idea that there was any program

Metro Vancouver Waste to Energy Facility photo by Mike

in the Vancouver area generating elelctricity from our garbage. I knew that British Columbia has programs that make producers responsible for costs associated with the collection & recycling of the goods they produce at the end of their life cycles. I knew that our province handles a great deal of our recycling right here while other areas rely more on shipping their waste to other countries. I knew that the area’s main landfill site is in Burns Bog, which also contains a large area of protected wetlands. But I was unaware of Metro Vancouver’s waste to energy plant, which, it turns out, is located right here in Burnaby.

Not only was I unaware of the plan’t existence, it seems like every person I mention it to has been similarly in the dark. Maybe that points to a larger problem. We son’t notice our trash much after we throw it away, when really there is no away. We produce a lot of waste, and maybe if it were more visible we’d pay more attention to it.

There is no simple solution to our waste problems, but paying attention seems like a good way to start.