Are April showers on the way?

Update for Friday, April 24th

Hubble Space Telescope

It is the 30th birthday for the Hubble Space Telescope (well, anniversary of its launch into space – it’s a telescope, not a living thing). If you could have that powerful telescope, with its ability to capture amazing images of almost unimaginably distant objects, look anywhere you wanted, where would you have it look? (answer in the comments)

It is Friday, so make sure you’ve finished (or sent me questions about) everything we’ve been investigating and working on this week, including a few new activities for today (Remember Fridays4Future?).

Remember that Monday is a professional development day, so if I don’t see you during office hours in Teams, I will see you all during our next meeting online Tuesday at 10:30AM!

Update for Thursday, April 23rd

Yesterday, for Earth Day, I asked you to spend time just quietly observing the natural environment. (Maybe you sat for 30 min in your back yard, on the front steps, in front of a window…). Today, it would be interesting if you would please leave a comment & share a little of what you could observe from your sit-spot and what it made you think about.

Monday will be a professional development day, so among the activities I am giving you today, I am asking you to think about what you might like a pro-D day for students to be like!

Notice that some of our Hearts for Healthcare Workers (see Monday) are now up in some slides. We’d love to add more, so keep them coming!

Hope to see many of you during my onilne office hours (check in; say, “Hello”; ask a question; make a suggestion…) See you soon!

Earth Day, April 22nd

rotating Earth from greatanimations.comPeople have been noticing some wildlife in cities these days where they would not have been seen before, maybe because there is so much less human traffic these days. (Check out these photos from CBC kids news.) What is the most remarkable animal you’ve ever seen in the city? Let us know in a comment.

Please revisit our activity list once again to find new activities added for this special day. Thanks to everyone for attending yesterday’s meeting (& sort of class circle). A new meeting has been set up so students can visit me during virtual office hours online to ask questions & get help. Students can find the link in their Teams calendar or school email.  These will be group sessions for those who decide to come; I’m not expecting everyone all at once, and we’ll see how well it goes. I’m still responding to questions in assignments and sent in via the ask a question form and via email, but sometimes it may be easier just to talk about it.

And keep creating those hearts so we can wear them on our houses (if not exacly on our sleeves) for our communities to have something to see as well as hear while we show our support for one another from our windows, front steps & balconies each evening.

Update for April 21st

We’ll meet as a class online later this morning. My applause and thanks go out to all of you who have increased the stream of work coming my way. I especially appreciate your questions (and your enthusiasm to get started early each morning!).

Today, I’m going to wait before posting an update to our activity list. I am anxious to give you part two of our story and other things, but I want to get us gathered together first. But you can count on there being more to do this week about tomorrow’s 50th anniversary. Do you know what it is? If you’re not sure, then get over to Ms Lea’s updated blog where you should get a good idea (and you’ll find a few things you’ll need to work on too).

See you soon!

Welcome to the week of April 20th. The flowers have been loving the sunshine, and I hope you have too. I’ve been appreciating the nice weather each evening when I go out on my balcony with a pot & lid (and sometimes some other musical instrument, perhaps you might guess which one!) to join the neighbourhood in giving a raucous Thank You Chorus for all the people working on the front lines during this time. And for me, that often means I have our healthcare workers front of mind.A request from the Burnaby Now

So, as you, my students, work on activities this week, I also invite you to share with me (perhaps by leaving a comment here) what sort of a cheer,  joyful noise or thankful thoughts you are sending up each night come 7:00 PM from your house. (And do you have a rain plan for when the days get a little soggy?)

46 thoughts on “Are April showers on the way?

  1. Hi, Mr Milloy.
    It’s me Amy. I am doing well at home. When the weather’s nice I go out for walks and play out side. When I’m at home I do some school work and sometimes bake. I hope your doing well and so are others. I am looking forward to seeing everybody online again!

    • I am very glad to see your words here, Prachetas. We’re all with you. And while we want you to feel some happiness, we want you to know that it is both good and important to be have the whole mix of feelings, especially now. And I’m certain that sometimes when you think of your dad you will miss him so much it will hurt. I’m also certain that there are and will always be plenty of times when thinking of him will make it so you cannot help but smile.

      See you soon.

      • What things have you been baking? Me and my grandma made oatmeal raisin cookies yetserday.

      • Scones & banana bread for me & mine, but you may have inspired me to start up cookie production. As one of my favourite muppets always said, “‘C’ is for ‘Cookie’, and that’s good enough for me!”

  2. Hi Mr. Milloy, I’m doing well. My family and I went for a roadtrip last Sunday. Sometimes we go for a walk outside to get some exercise.

    • I am pleased to see that you are well, and I hope you will still get a little exercise outside even if we start to get some rain soon.

    • Glad to know you are keeping healthy in body and mind (and it is great to see you getting a prompt 9AM start!). Have you visited Mr Tsougrianis’s library blog? Plenty to satiate a hungry reader & writer!

  3. What did I observe yesterday? I was observing nature and I was surprised how things i Saw and heard in 30 minutes. And when im outside playing im distraceted and dont really notice all the noises

    • What an interesting and important observation you make here! I think all of us have the experience of being out in the world but remaining oblivious to most of what is around us in that world. I will be interested to find out how much more we might notice if we make a habit of spending more time observing the way you did yesterday.

  4. Hi Mr Milloy. Happy 30th birthday for the humble space telescope! Im doing really well at home. Yesterday I baked macarons but I left it in the oven for too long! The macarons were harder then usual… But I wont make that mistake again. I hope you are still doing really well at home.

    • I am glad you know now. One of the most beautiful images from the Hubble is of the Eagle Nebula, but I think my favourite Hubble image is the Hubble Ultra Deep Field containing some 10,000 galaxies, some so far away that the light reaching from them to the telescope would have travelled for 13 BILLION years!

  5. hi Mr. Milloy. I have been playing video games, playing football and basketball.
    were really lucky to have sunny days. I have been watching movies. How is your

    • I hope to watch a favourite old movie this weekend perhaps. I’m not sure either of us will be out tossing or kicking a ball around these next couple of days if the predictions are correct; I’m glad you took time to appreciate some of that sunshine. Chess might be a more comfortable contest for me to try.

    • What a great way to give just enough information to pique my interest! Now I want to know what you were reading that was so much fun. A graphic novel perhaps? A mystery? Comics? Hmmm. That reminds me, might be time to look up my old friends Calvin & Hobbes.

    • Good thing you did, both because of the benefit to your physical & mental health and because this weekend is expected to be rather soggy!

  6. Happy birthday to the hubble telescope! The images that it can take are really cool and I might look at some more in the future. I never knew about the telescope before but know im reading astronomy books.

  7. Hi Mr. Milloy, hope you had a good weekend. I had a good weekend i went to the park to get some fresh air and and i also played soccer.

    • It restores ones faith in the future to know that Footie is still keeping folks active (and maybe the current distancing guidelines will lead to a dramatic improvement in the accuracy of longer passes)!

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