Still Growing

[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”5″ display=”basic_slideshow”]For those of us used to going to work or school from Monday to Friday, our world seems out of order. (Today happens to be a Monday, by the way; if you are like me, you may be finding that changes in routines are making it a little more diffficult to keep track!) The patterns that seem to govern the way we live don’t fit like they used to. Some of the time, that is a bit of a relief, but often the difference in our days can be disturbing, unfamiliar, uncertain. Sometimes I feel that way. But then, I suppose I should ask myself, “Who doesn’t?”

I spent some time thinking about that. Most people are having to make the same kinds of adjustments to routines. Many people are facing very great difficulties. And it seems like everyone feels like life is upside down. But when I look around and ask myself the same question again, “Who doesnt?” I realise that there are plenty of lives and routines around us continuing as always. Sunrise sparks a chorus of activity from the birds. Flowers blossom, attracting bees and other pollinators. The ravens have built a nest by the Sperling Skytrain station to hatch another generation, like they do every spring. The cherry blosssoms are lining the neighbourhood with their pink explosions. The frogs have been singing their evening choruses. And we have reached what I like to call, “peak magnolia”, when what might just be the most respendent magnolia tree in the province (found just a short walk from my home) is almost hidden by its thick display of heavy, white and purple flowers.

Growth is happening all around us, and it continues in our own lives too. I am hopeful that the differences we are experiencing in life as we know it will spark more of the kind thinking that will hep us to better understand others’ lives and our own. Perhaps a good place to start is to pause, pay attention, and try to be even more aware of what is around us.

What are you becoming aware of?

9 thoughts on “Still Growing

  1. Iā€™m becoming aware of how much stuff we have in the house and having all the time now to declutter and start minimalism. Life goes on around us and we get by day by day as a family.

    • I have become aware of (and refreshed) how fun my family can be! Even though the world has basically stopped for me, I still have my family! Thats all that matters.

      • Sometimes family members cna test us, but you are wise to notice how much family matters. Thanks for putting a smile on my face today!

  2. Just did daily PE with Joe!!! wow. great workout. Next week Ms. Sandberg is going to join me šŸ™‚ Joe had 280,000 people doing his workout together from all over the world. He was doing ‘shout outs’ to kids as young as 4 and a woman who is 84 who does his workouts…whew! I’m tired now.

  3. I noticed that I can’t play with my friends at lunch and I get to sleep in.

    Parents/guardians view: I noticed that the streets are quite in the morning and I get to spend more time with Son playing games like Keyforge, Chrominos, Uno, Llamas Unleashed, and Magic. I just wish that he would let me win once in a while šŸ™

    • Maybe he can teach you some winning strategies! He might be just a little more practised at the games than his adults; keep at it!

  4. I am aware that I haven’t gone to school for a long time, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t do anything when I am at home. I still play games with my friends online and I also do a workbook that has many different subjects in it, like Math, Science English, and Social Studies.

    • I am glad for your comments here, and I know we are all busy, even if the shape of our days and the activities in them look a little (or a lot!) different than they used to. And there is (and always has been) plenty of learning that we all do that doesn’t look like what we might have done sitting at a desk in a school room.

      DO keep keep trying out the activities I have set up for the class, and do send your questions & work-in-progress my way. That will help me get an idea of your thoughts and how I can best help everyone.

      Thanks for commenting!

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