
Every time I read this chapeter of Wonder, at least a few tears come to my eyes. I start imagining how all of the characters would be feeling and what thoughts would be going through their minds., but soon my mind moves on to remembering the dogs we had when I was growing up. One of the many things I loved about having dogs was that a dog is always happy to see you. I found it next to impossible not to feel at least a little bit better once greeted by my happy, furry, tail-wagging friend.

Dogs don’t care about the petty things people get all bent out of shape over. A dog can be the best listener, best companion and best friend to have around, especially at those times when you feel like you just really need a friend.

I think including Daisy in this story was a great move by R.J. Palacio. A person like August might really need the kind of friend that maybe only a dog can be. A friend who is completely accepting of everything about you and who doesn’t care what anyone else said to or about you. Daisy could show August that the part of himself that sometimes seems like his biggest problem is not at all the most important part of him, and maybe isn’t important at all when you come right down to it.

August’s medical condition and his various trials & tribulations make that point very clear, but I don’t think the Augusts among us are the only ones who need to hear that lesson’s message. Maybe the rest of us, the Jack Wills, the Charlottes, the Julians, the Mrs. Garcias… maybe we, each one of us, needs that reminder. We are OK. We have value. Our problems, flaws, and imperfections do as much to make us just like everyone else as they do to set us apart. Everyone else feels the same frailty that sometimes makes us feel alone, frustrated, afraid, or in need of a friend. And we all need a friend who will accept us the way we are, who lets us know that we make them happy, and who lets us us know that everything is OK. Or maybe what we need most is to be the kind of friend who helps others feel that way.

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