Inquiry Journal

April 26 – May 22, 2016. Entry #1:


Through April 26 to May 22, I didn’t do much on my inquiry. In fact, I did nothing. That being said, I did start one with a friend of mine, but it ended as soon as it started. Things didn’t work out, so we went our separate ways, and I ended up doing nothing. The reason being because I couldn’t find any good project ideas, and everything that came up into my mind I either didn’t like, or I already did something similar. My last inquiry project was about the ocean, and before that I also did one about the ocean, so doing a third one was a boring idea, and any other idea that I thought of really didn’t strike my fancy, so I went 2 months without any work on my inquiry. Pretty bad choice but what’s done is done, and I can’t change the past. In the end I decided to get back together with my friend because he also had the same problem as me, and it was fortunate that we worked out a solution. We decided to work on animating, and we started with only one month before the deadline.


May 22 – May 28, 2016. Entry #2:


We have just started our inquiry about animation, and so far I say we’re doing pretty well. We are explaining about the 3 main forms of animations, which are: Flipbook, 2D, and 3D. They are the main forms of animation that you’ll see out there. Flipbook is basically you flipping through a book quickly, and inside the book are drawings, and every page you flip through, the drawing changes a little, and when you flip through it quickly, you see the object moving, and it looks like an animation. Next is 2D. 2D is pretty simple. It’s one of the more common forms of animation, just because it isn’t really hard to make, and is also entertaining to watch. Although 2D animations are more common, that isn’t to say that 3D ones are bad. In fact, they’re better than 2D ones in a lot of places. For example, 2D animations tend to focus on the manipulation of an image, while 3D ones tend to focus around a world being loaded and a character/object interacting with everything in the world. 2D animations are better because they are faster to make, and require not a lot of effort, but 3D animations are harder to make and require lots of patience, skill, and determination. Each have their weaknesses and strengths, and each are viable in their own way.


May 29 – June 4, 2016. Entry #3:


We added some final details to the Flipbook, 2D, and 3D parts, and currently working on something called “illusion” animation, which is basically a way 2D animations make it look a little 3D. We’re also working on animations in cartoons/TV shows, which is basically drawn animation. Drawn animation is a 2D animation which is drawn frame by frame, then sped up, and put into an animation. The hardest part about this part was how we were going to explain it on paper, but we managed to get through it.

June 5 – June 11, 2016. Entry #4:


This week we started writing on SFX, an acronym for special effects, which you will find in a lot of movies you watch. How do you think people make these slow motion stuff and blood dripping from the actors? They use mostly SFX. We have 2 and a half pages on that topic, which used up all our time this week, however, we did get started on one more thing, and that is famous animators/directors/voice actors, but we only started that, so we’re still working on that.

June 12 – June 18, 2016. Entry #5


This week we mostly worked on the animations we were going to present. My friends doing the 3D one, and I’m going to do the Flipbook animation. Other than that, we didn’t do much this week on our inquiry. We finished the famous animators/directors/voice actors, but we only added 3, but they’re really famous ones. We also did 1 2D animation which my friend drew. It isn’t the holy grail of animations, but it’s good enough considering how we’ve started this project with only a month to do this. He says he’s working on another 2D one as well, and same deal with that.

June 19 – June 21, 2016. Entry #6:


Our Inquiry fair is almost here, in fact, it’s tomorrow on the 22. My friend finished his last 2D animation and he’s hard at work on his 3D one. He’s using an animation engine that takes a lot of skill to use, not because I have experienced it, but because I’ve seen people animating 20 minute long videos with that engine, and it took them around 6 months to do all the animating, editing, and everything else. Meanwhile, I’ve been finishing up our Inquiry and adding a couple of last minute details to it. I changed up the SFX part, and put a new picture instead of the old one and deleted some stuff that didn’t match for that part and added some more. I also put down all the animation engines we used for the animations that we made, and put a few links to the sites where we were gathering information from, and all that. I also modified the title a bit, and gave our project a company name: Bearded-Brothers Productions. Currently, I am working on my Flipbook animation. (Update) Today’s the inquiry fair. I made the Flipbook but I forgot it at home. LOL. 

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