
Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Mate


Ross Greene

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Dan Siegel

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Confident Parents: Thriving Kids is a family-focused phone-based coaching service effective in reducing mild to moderate behavioural problems and promoting healthy child development in children ages 3-12.  Please talk to your family doctor or pediatrician to request a referral.

Triple P: Positive Parenting Program is a parenting program, but it doesn’t tell you how to be a parent. It’s more like a toolbox of ideas. You choose the strategies you need. You choose the way you want to use them. It’s all about making Triple P work for you.

Connect Parenting 

CONNECT© is an evidence-based 10-week manualized group program for parents and alternate caregivers of pre-teens and teens who struggle with significant behaviour problems and mental health issues. Co-developed over the last 10 years by the Maples Adolescent Treatment Centre and Dr. Marlene Moretti of Simon Fraser University, the program focuses on the core components of secure attachment to promote children’s social, emotional and behavioural adjustment.

For more information on upcoming Connect Parenting Groups, ask Ms. McGee.